Misha needs help with treatment
Misha needs help with treatment

Misha needs help with treatment

The project is carried by
Started: 08.12.2021
Totally raised
32500.0 UAH
Total goal
32500.00 UAH

Eight-year-old Misha Sazonov is a very unusual child. Mom treats him literally from birth. The birth was difficult, and it so happened that the boy's brain suffered, Misha still has a deformed skull. The boy grew up hyperactive, misbehaved, did not make contact, did not sleep at night and had problems with the intestines.

For a long time, the doctors could not determine why Misha is so restless and reacts sharply to everything. From the age of one and a half months, the baby was registered with a neurologist, cysts were found in the boy's head. However, all doctors, as one, wrote in medical history "retardation of psychoverbal development." Misha had his first MRI at the age of 9 months, which resulted in a new diagnosis – organic hypoxic brain damage. The boy lagged behind in physical development: he sat down late, got up late, and took his first independent steps when he was a year and a half.

But Misha's mother was not going to give up: Tatyana went with her son to rehabilitation in Truskavets and Skadovsk. They improved the boy's physical condition. Until he was 2.5 years old, Misha tried to speak, but after that he stopped speaking altogether. At the age of 3, Misha was diagnosed with autism. For three years, the mother carefully hid from her loved ones that her son has a disability. Then the kind people, the temple and Misha's grandmother became material and moral support. Mom did everything in her power for the child, but wherever they turned for help, they could not be helped anywhere. The woman completely forgot about herself and gave all her strength and resources to her son.

And two years ago, my mother showed Misha to a geneticist-metabolist. The boy passed a huge number of tests and went through a lot of examinations, the doctor prescribed him treatment, a lactose-free, casein-free and gluten-free diet – and oh, a miracle! Her Misha became calmer... It turned out that Mykhailo had big intestinal problems from birth (which caused prolonged constipation), and the indigestion of dairy products. Also, the boy was found to have problems with blood vessels and the brain: unfortunately, he has poor blood supply to one hemisphere of the brain.

From the first days of the new treatment, Misha became more emotionally stable and calm, and began to understand the addressed speech. Now he goes to the kindergarten in a special group, where he really likes. He is a very sociable boy, he loves to play with children and adults, play with a ball and cars, and run a race. Mykhailo is especially interested in transport and railways. He tries to help his mother in everyday life, learns to wash dishes, shows interest in cooking. Misha loves his pets – Teddy (the guinea pig) and Kuzya (the cat).

With the new treatment, the life of this little family began to improve, and there was hope that the old hellish life could change for something better. However, Misha needs to strictly adhere to his treatment and diet, he needs to take medications that stimulate the digestive tract and the brain, he also needs to undergo periodic examinations, and this requires a lot of money. A mother who is raising her son on her own cannot cope with all the financial costs of Mishka's treatment with her own strength, so she turns to you for help!

Full name: Sazonov Mykhailo, 12.10.2013
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Unspecified encephalopathy. Consequences of hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system
ID: 7599
Charity donation
25.12.2021 23:56
1325.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.12.2021 22:16
60.00 UAH
Максим Грiнченко
25.12.2021 22:07
95.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.12.2021 21:58
20.00 UAH
25.12.2021 20:29
100.00 UAH
All donors

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