Help bridge for children. 2
Help bridge for children. 2

Help bridge for children. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 18.04.2022
Totally raised
135815.0 UAH
Total goal
135815.00 UAH

During the implementation of the project, assistance was provided to 44 families with children with disabilities and families with children affected by military operations. Each family was compensated for the amount spent on food, sanitary goods and medicines.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
food products, sanitary products and medicines. 135815.00
Total project costs 135815.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 135815.00
09.06.2022 16:31
0.13 UAH
Charity donation
09.06.2022 16:27
59180.84 UAH
Charity donation
09.06.2022 13:18
6000.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.06.2022 17:04
30.43 UAH
Charity donation
07.06.2022 15:52
101.52 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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