Musical marathon "You’re not Alone". All for life
Musical marathon "You’re not Alone". All for life

Musical marathon "You’re not Alone". All for life

Started: 26.04.2020
Totally raised
2563184.58 UAH
Total goal
2563184.58 UAH

UPD 2: KVARTAL 95 takes the baton of goodness and joins the "You’re not alone" charity marathon, which organized the 1+1 channel, and transfers 500 000 UAH to help doctors! Thank! Together we can do more!

UPD: our goal – to collect 2 million UAH – has been achieved, but with you we will be able to collect more to support our doctors. For numerous appeals of caring people, we increase the amount and continue the charity gathering! Thanks for your support!

According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, there is a steady increase in the number of infected health workers. That is why 1+1 channel, in conjunction with the team of great entertainment shows "1+1 production" are announcing the launch of charitable musical marathon "You’re not alone" to raise funds to purchase all necessary supplies needed to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19. 

The marathon, which began on May 3 on the air of the 1+1 TV channel and ended on May 8 at midnight, raised 2 011 210 UAH to help doctors.

The Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace, together with the RazomUA public platform and the charitable foundation "International Organization of Social Justice", organized the purchase and transfer of medical assistance to doctors in more than 30 supporting hospitals throughout the country: these are disposable and reusable suits, respirators, gloves with cuffs (report is attached). 600 volunteers across the country are involved in this work.

For numerous appeals from caring people who want to join, we decided to continue the charity gathering. Therefore, you can help online right now.

In order to support the continuation of the "You Are Not Alone" charity marathon, a new format was developed for the shooting of the Vecherniy Kvartal TV show in the open air, which would allow the audience to gather, observing all quarantine requirements. In theory, the auditorium was supposed to turn into a Kinodrom, and the audience would watch a concert from their cars, with each car a charity contribution to this score was planned by UBB. Unfortunately, weather conditions did not allow to realize the shooting in the open air, but this did not prevent the company from implementing its plans. Therefore, despite the fact that the shooting of the concert took place on May 29 without spectators in the Ukraina Palace, the KVARTAL 95 contributed to helping physicians and transferred 500,000 UAH. By the way, and you can support the project, join and do good with us!

Recall that the marathon started on May 3 at 1+1 channel at 21:00 and consisted of the starry home concert "You Are Not Alone", the social action #лікарютинеодин live on "Snidanok z 1+1" and on social networks. Our beloved hosts were Liuda Barbir and Ruslan Senichkin, Yura Horbunov and Katia Osadcha, Lidiia Taran and Nelia Shovkoplias, Dmytro Komarov, Egor Gordeev and Marichka Padalko presented a special concert with the most popular show business stars who sang in quarantine from their homes to thank the doctors and help them. Watch a concert recording on 1+1 video or on YouTube.

These are sincere and vivid performances of artists: performance of Tina Karol, PTP and MOZGI, Olia Poliakova, MONATIK, Vremya i Steklo, Anna Butkevich, The HARDKISS, Sergii Babkin, Jamala, alyona alyona, NK, Natalia Mogylevska, KAZKA, Nina and Antonina Matvienko, TAYANNA, "Druga Rika", LAUD, Lesia Nikitiuk, Max Barskyh, Jerry Heil, Michelle Andrade, "Bez Obmezhen". If you have an opportunity to support, join us! 

By the way, the contribution of the 1+1 channel and partners to the total fee amounted to UAH 1,246,143, incl. all proceeds from fees during voting and viewing ads in the final of the show "Voice of the Country-10".

Life of doctors is the future of each of us. Music and a desire to help bring people together. Unity is mutual support, gratitude and joy of many people, and it is unity that helps in difficult times.

Do the right thing and join our "You’re not alone" marathon.

ID: 6050
Charity donation
09.08.2020 01:17
1234.22 UAH
Charity donation
24.07.2020 23:57
29.62 UAH
Charity donation
07.07.2020 09:43
1145.62 UAH
Charity donation
29.06.2020 11:11
1.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.06.2020 11:38
1.04 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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