Natalochka dreams of walking
Natalochka dreams of walking

Natalochka dreams of walking

The project is carried by
Started: 13.05.2024
Totally raised
19439.0 UAH
Total goal
19439.00 UAH

Natasha has a paralytic dislocation of the hip joints. The girl dreams of walking, but only surgery can bring her closer to this goal.

Natasha was born at 27 weeks of pregnancy. The news that the baby had hydrocephalus and purulent meningitis shocked the parents. The operation to install a shunt to drain excess cerebrospinal fluid from the brain could only be performed if the child weighed over 3,000 grams, and Natasha weighed only 1,060 grams. Therefore, before the surgery, the child underwent more than 35 punctures – excess fluid was pumped out.

Over time, Natasha learned to roll over, crawl, and began to speak. And at the age of three, the first epileptic attack suddenly occurred - the girl was hospitalized, where she was given two anticonvulsants. She still takes them to this day.

Having slightly recovered from the fear they had experienced for their daughter’s life, the parents noticed that Natasha couldn’t stand for a long time, when she tried to walk, her knees crossed, and when she spread her legs, she felt pain.

The orthopedist diagnosed a dislocation of the hip joints and recommended not to delay the operation, otherwise the pain would become unbearable and Natasha would never learn to walk.

As long as Natasha does not walk, she is not accepted into kindergarten. The girl studies at home with her mother: she knows numbers, colors, animals. The child understands spoken language and speaks, albeit unclearly. Natasha is a cheerful, energetic girl, she loves to sing, listen to music, and play with children.

All the funds collected by the family to pay for the orthopedic surgery had to be spent on solving an unexpected problem: the shunt needed to be urgently replaced.

The family turned to us for financial assistance in fundraising to purchase two sets of implants. Friends, let's help make Natasha's main dream come true!

Full name: Natalia Akimova, 01.02.2018
City: Zaporizhzhia
Diagnosis: hydrocephalus SPO, spastic dysplasia, paralytic dislocation of the hip joints with pain syndrome, convulsive syndrome
ID: 9445
Charlie Chaplin
05.07.2024 23:44
100.00 UAH
Yevhen Dvyhun
30.06.2024 19:49
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 23:05
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 22:42
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.06.2024 19:42
50.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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