Learn to live in this world
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Sashko suffered brain damage due to oxygen starvation during birth. The first manifestations of the disease appeared at the age of two: fine motor skills and coordination were impaired. Sashko became hyperactive, began to lose acquired skills. After a series of examinations, doctors established a diagnosis of "atypical autism, brain damage".
Now Sasha is eleven years old. He learns basic self-care and behavior skills every day. Sometimes the acquired experience is suddenly lost – then they have to start all over again. Sasha does not speak, but communicates with his parents using picture cards. If he is hungry, he shows the "I'm hungry" card, if he is scared, he reaches for the "Help me" card, and to easily find socks, there is a card with the corresponding pattern on the drawer.
The next step in the development of communication is to teach Sasha to pronounce simple words and fulfill requests in two or three actions. The boy studies at school according to an individual program, knows the alphabet, and even writes simple words. His mother constantly talks to him, and often hugs and kisses him. Tactile contact is very important for Sasha. It gives a feeling of security and peace and creates a familiar space for the boy. Meanwhile, a loud sound or an unfamiliar smell can cause tantrums. Parents, for their part, also constantly learn to understand their son in order to come to his aid in time – to distract and hug him.
In order not to lose the achieved results and to adapt to normal life, Sasha must constantly work with specialists. Classes with a speech therapist and a correctional psychologist contribute to the boy's socialization, preventing him from completely immersing himself in his own world.
Please support the boy so that he has the opportunity to develop despite the difficulties of life. Especially now, during the war.
Full name: | Oleksandr Basenko, 13.10.2013 |
City: | Zaporizhzhia |
Diagnosis: | Autism, organic damage to the central nervous system |
ID: | 9718 |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 15:29
1586.00 UAH |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 05:55
1900.00 UAH |
Artem Sh
06.12.2024 20:46
3442.00 UAH |
Charity donation
03.12.2024 16:34
7600.00 UAH |
Charity donation
19.11.2024 23:10
200.00 UAH |
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