Nazar: I so want to understand you!
Nazar: I so want to understand you!

Nazar: I so want to understand you!

The project is carried by
Started: 03.12.2021
Odessa region
Totally raised
30000.00 UAH
Total goal
30000.00 UAH

10-year-old Nazar lives with autism symptoms. The boy has mental disorders and disorders of the nervous system. Nazar's diagnosis occupies several lines in the medical certificate. The boy still does not speak and does not understand well when others turn to him. In short, his brain works differently from other children.

According to the doctor, the cause of the disease was herpes, congenital kyphosis and Atlanta's rotational howl – such incomprehensible words for most people that turned the life of an entire family upside down. Once Nazar changed beyond recognition: he had terrible tantrums, he did not react at all to his parents and did strange things that were difficult to find an explanation for... Then the doctors diagnosed the baby.

Fortunately, the therapy recommended by doctors helps the boy: constant and hard work pays off. The boy is a little aware of himself, learns to show and control emotions, he already understands most of all and better fulfills various requests and instructions. Nazar has become more patient, restrained and interested – first of all, this is manifested in behavior and learning.

Friends, you have already helped Nazar with treatment more than once, but now he again cannot cope without you. The boy needs to continue his visit to the rehabilitation center, but his relatives do not have the funds for this. Please support this project and Nazar will be able to attend the new rehabilitation course. He really needs it!

Full name: Snigariov Nazar, 09.04.2011
City: Sarata town, Odessa region
Diagnosis: organic mental disorder due to early organic CNS damage in the form of hyperkinetic syndrome, cognitive deficits and autism symptoms, lack of speech
ID: 7702
Станислав Курдибаха
20.12.2021 23:00
14491.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2021 21:00
110.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2021 18:29
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2021 18:28
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2021 18:23
100.00 UAH
All donors

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