Nazar can do anything!
Nazar can do anything!

Nazar can do anything!

The project is carried by
Started: 19.02.2019
Lviv region
Totally raised
23903.0 UAH
Total goal
23903.00 UAH

The boy Nazar is 11 years old. The child was born from the 2 pregnancy by an emergency cesarean section. Looking at Nazarko’s photo in funny socks, it’s hard to believe how many dreadful diagnoses the child has – cerebral palsy, multiple defects of development, dextrocardia and that’s all from his birth. He’s young, kind, sensible and gentle, but because of another diagnosis, psychomotor retardation, Nazar can't speak. He walks with the support on his fingers but bends to the side.

However, the boy is fully capable of learning how to walk fully; he dreams of it very much. What is more, Nazar wants to go to school on his own and play football with his peers. The boy underwent the course of treatment in Kozyavkin’s ICR (International Clinic of Rehabilitation), Truskavets. He had good results after the last rehabilitation. Nazar needs to undergo rehabilitation again, but the family’s poor as they live in a village have spent all the savings throughout 11 years of treatment.

The boy needs constant treatment and expensive medicine. Mother does her utmost trying to put son on his feet. She believes that Nazarko’ll be able to do everything with the help of people who aren’t indifferent for his illness!


Name: Oliinyk Nazar, 05.04.2007

City: Novosilka village, Lviv region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia in the stroking stage with aids, motor disturbances of the 3rd level

ID: 4814
Supported МБФ "Українська Біржа Благодійності"
23.04.2019 08:27
0.69 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2019 19:16
10.18 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2019 18:16
2800.00 UAH
Володимир Грицай
22.04.2019 15:32
193.66 UAH
Charity donation
22.04.2019 10:18
20.37 UAH
All donors

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