Avoid serious illness
Avoid serious illness

Avoid serious illness

The project is carried by
Started: 01.02.2022
Donetsk region
Totally raised
31600.0 UAH
Total goal
31600.00 UAH

This is Yegor, and he is not yet a year old. After birth, he was diagnosed with hypospadias (this is a congenital pathology of the structure of the genitourinary system), torticollis, CNS damage, movement disorder syndrome and delayed motor development. The neurologist also added that if the child is not pulled out of this state before the age of one, then cerebral palsy may occur later. But parents can't let that happen!

The boy's illness is manifested by hypertonicity of the muscles of the arms and neck, hypotonicity of the legs - this means that Yegor cannot perform actions that his peers already easily perform. And a long physical delay can entail a delay in psychomotor development.

Fortunately, this is fixable: Yegorchik is recommended systematic rehabilitation - they need to be done every six months. Parents conscientiously follow all the advice of doctors and take their son to rehabilitation therapy in a timely manner, but their financial possibilities are running out. Yegor has already completed several courses of treatment, but now you can’t stop!

Friends, we really want Yegorchik to grow up as a healthy boy, so we kindly ask you to support this project. Thanks to the collected funds, we will be able to pay for a new course of treatment for the boy in the capital's rehabilitation center. Each of your hryvnia is very valuable!

Full name: Okhrimenko Yegor, 02.06.2021
City: Donetsk region, Pokrovsk
Diagnosis: Natal trauma, late recovery period, consequences of perinatal hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system, motor disorders syndrome. Delayed motor development
ID: 7892
Charity donation
10.02.2022 18:35
2020.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.02.2022 18:26
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.02.2022 17:43
100.00 UAH
Роман К
10.02.2022 17:07
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.02.2022 16:10
1000.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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