We won't leave Anton in trouble! Stage 2
We won't leave Anton in trouble! Stage 2

We won't leave Anton in trouble! Stage 2

The project is carried by
Started: 19.12.2014
Zhytomyr region
Totally raised
12322.0 UAH
Total goal
12322.00 UAH

Little Anton is not for the first time on UBB. In August 2014 UBB raised funds for that boy for important drugs for chemotherapy. The next course of treatment should begin as soon as possible. Financial resources of the family completely exhausted, and the boy needs 9 600 UAH for the drug "Paclitaxel". Health is a blessing that money cannot buy, but right now these funds can help the boy and save his life. Don't leave Anton in trouble!

Anton was born with a large tumor on buttocks. 3-month boy was operated to remove the tumor in the "OKHAMADYT" hospital in Kyiv. When the child was 2 years and three months old, he suddenly stopped eating and walking, became lethargic and irritable. He couldn't go to the toilet. Concerned parents consulted with many doctors. All prescribed drugs didn't help the boy.

The parents went to the Zhytomyr Regional Children's Hospital. Reported doctor about symptoms and the boy was operated to remove the tumor 2 years ago. The doctor offered to check the material, collected during surgery. The result shocked all. According to the doctors, the tumor 2 years ago was teratoblastoma, and it's a growing malignant tumor. Anton was put into the hospital with a diagnosis terablastoma with MTS in the mediastinum and lymphadenopathy.

Anton already underwent 8 blocks of chemotherapy. The fight for life is not easy for the child. Blood counts constantly fell. He has the cramping, fever and nasal bleeding. Anton had to operate the tumor after the 8th block of chemotherapy. But the boy has significant metastases. The doctors were decided to perform 2 cycles of chemotherapy more with "Paclitaxel". After treatment the boy will do a tomography and two operations.

The boy was prescribed an expensive drug "Paclitaxel", 3 bottles of 100 mg. Each bottle costs 3 200 UAH. Total price of medicines is 9 600 UAH.

The boy's parents ask for help in collecting the necessary funds for treatment and will be grateful for any support and prayers.


Name: Anton I. Stetsko, born 27/08/2011

Location: Zhytomyr region

Diagnosis: teratoblastoma



ID: 1234
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:13
47.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:12
545.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:10
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:09
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:08
2000.00 UAH
All donors

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