Unknown disease steals Sophia
Unknown disease steals Sophia

Unknown disease steals Sophia

The project is carried by
Started: 25.12.2013
Totally raised
4468.0 UAH
Total goal
4468.00 UAH

When Sophia was 3 years old, she came down with unknown disease, accompanied with cramps and in 3 years it led to termination of psychoverbal development. Now, the girl more and more is losing her skills to speak and almost she isn’t talking. Treatment only leads to deterioration and accurate diagnosis couldn’t be prescribed by doctors. However, there is a hope for salvation. German clinic offers an examination that costs 15 thousand euros. The family couldn’t raise that amount by themselves, especially after 4 years of expensive examinations passing.

Sophia is a kind and beautiful little girl. On 6 February she will be 7 years old. By three years old girl developed well. When she was 3 years old, she eagerly copied the older brother, wrote in his notebooks copybook letters, well spoken, loved to sing. The future seemed wonderful.

However, in 2009 the disaster knocked: the first seizures happened with Sophia. Within 8 months the girl had 16 seizures. Seizures stopped, but psychoverbal development also stopped. In return, clubfoot and scattered neurological micro symptoma was appeared. Started having problems with speech, Sofia began to speak badly. When she was 6 years, she was look like 3-years-old girl. At the beginning, there were a lot of possible diagnoses. Sofia was consulted by leading physicians of Ukraine and Poland, as well as she was made the entire recommended test. Unfortunately, possible a number of diseases was unconfirmed. The final diagnosis of Metabolic Diseases Clinic of the Institute «Pomnik-Centrum Zdrovia Dzieska» in Poland was determined in April 2011 - Metabolic disease of undetermined origin, E 88.9.

Over the last year, Sofia has lost skills and abilities, practically not speaking. Attempts to start a restorative treatment only lead to deterioration. Speech therapy, sessions with psychologists, teachers, and speech pathologists do not give any result. Unfortunately, time is working against us and hurt to see that all the efforts and endeavors - in vain. The reasons for this state of Sofia is still unknown, the child is slowly fading away.

However, the hope of salvation still is. German clinic offers a test that costs 15,000 (fifteen thousand euros). The family is very difficult to collect such amount independently, especially after 4 years of expensive tests. Also, family is very concerned with the fate of Sofia’s sister, who is now 1.5 years. We are begging all concerned people to help raise the required amount - at UBB, we collect a part of it - 110 thousand UAH! Sofia has a chance to return to normal life. Any help brings the girl to recovery.
We are ver appreciating all kind people! Sophia’s family.

Name: Sophia Yarynych, 2006 year of birth

City: Lviv

Diagnosis: Metabolic disease of undetermined origin, E 88.9.


ID: 802
Charity donation
16.01.2014 23:24
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.01.2014 21:57
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.01.2014 18:34
50.00 UAH
Ольга Горобец
15.01.2014 16:39
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.01.2014 09:05
50.00 UAH
All donors

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