Red noses save children’s lives!
Red noses save children’s lives!

Red noses save children’s lives!

The project is carried by
Started: 12.07.2016
Totally raised
210431.0 UAH
Total goal
210431.00 UAH

Most children with newly diagnosed malignant solid tumors are treated at the pediatric department of the National Cancer Institute. It means from 250 to 300 children from all regions of Ukraine annually. At the Institute about 200 complicated surgeries are performed annually including liver, kidney and bone resections, bladder surgeries. Because of the lack of necessary equipment the specialists of the Institute have to send children to the other hospital for bladder examinations. The Olympus endoscope can change the situation.

With the help of this device the bladder can be examined, biopsy can be taken, the most accurate manipulation with the tumor located in the bladder can be performed. The thin endoscope has a thin tip that guarantees maximum comfort of the patient. With this device small tumors can be removed and with all the accessories available full surgeries can be performed.

Now the obsolete endoscope with limited functionality is used at the department. This 15-year-old device provides only minimal data. In addition, the parameters of the equipment cause discomfort, that’s why little patients cry and complain of pain.

The cost of the endoscope is more than half a million UAH. But we are 42 million people and for us this amount seems feasible!

In the context of the fundraising campaign for the Olympus endoscope the Red Nose Festival will take place on 17th and 18th of September (the art platform Parkovka). Put on a red nose and save children! #rednosedayua.

Tickets for event are here.

ID: 2349
Charity donation
11.10.2016 00:13
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2016 14:06
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.09.2016 15:31
135.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.09.2016 16:43
100000.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.09.2016 11:54
90.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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