Survey that save children's lives
Survey that save children's lives

Survey that save children's lives

The project is carried by
Started: 05.03.2019
Zaporizhia region
Totally raised
29900.0 UAH
Total goal
29900.00 UAH

Delivery of health care for newborn infants can be compared, perhaps, to jewelry work. When a patient is about the size of your palm, you even breathe with fear, let alone give an injection or other painful medical procedure. Thanks to modern advances in medicine, doctors are able to save newborns, which are in critical condition, on time, even with a weight less than 1 kg. However, the goal of treatment is not only survival but also to exclude complications in little patients.

One of the important methods of treatment is artificial pulmonary ventilation. It is dangerous to conduct it without controlling the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Changes of indicators are in process quickly and, if the doctor focuses only on the results of the blood test periodically taken, but these changes can go unseen for a long time, which can lead to the development of internal organ-lesions.

Zaporizhia Regional Clinical Children's Hospital has recently acquired such a device that can determine not only blood oxygen indicators but also other important biochemical parameters from a little blood of 0.15 ml volume, which makes the treatment more effective. ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) test measures the acidity, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood from an artery. Research indicators determine how well baby’s lungs deliver oxygen to the blood. The blood gas analyzer, unfortunately, is still rare equipment in hospitals and not only in our region. Hospitals need to buy the necessary reagents on a monthly basis to conduct research on an automatic blood gas analyzer. A full monthly set of reagents for ABG test costs 29 900 UAH. Unfortunately, public hospital funding is not enough, and there is a threat that such important medical equipment will become unnecessary without reagents. And our children will be left without the necessary analysis and monitoring of treatment.

Therefore, Charity Foundation "Happy Child" encourages its friends and just concerned people who appreciate the life of our little babies to join in and help the Children's hospital in purchasing insufficient reagents.

ID: 4860
Оксана Сокол
02.08.2019 03:50
0.04 UAH
Stas Z
01.08.2019 22:44
4015.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.08.2019 14:49
300.00 UAH
01.08.2019 10:48
101.83 UAH
Юлия Добро
31.07.2019 20:50
101.83 UAH
All donors

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