Oleksiy wants to beat the disease
Oleksiy wants to beat the disease

Oleksiy wants to beat the disease

The project is carried by
Started: 24.05.2024
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Totally raised
27500.0 UAH
Total goal
27500.00 UAH

During the first weeks of his life, Oleksiy grew and developed according to the norms. Time passed, but the baby did not respond to sounds, toys and his mother's voice, did not hold his head, did not turn over. The boy was taken to the doctors, and after extensive examinations, Oleksiy was diagnosed with visual impairment, congenital brain defects and central hypotonic syndrome.

The boy immediately underwent several courses of massage and physical therapy, and at the age of 7 months he began to hold his head, but due to a severely reduced muscle tone, he still could not sit up and crawl, although he had the strength to turn his body over. At the age of one, Oleksiy was diagnosed with developmental delays, a congenital brain defect, and reduced muscle tone.

Thanks to long-term rehabilitation and therapy, at the age of one year and 6 months, the boy began to sit with the support of one arm and crawl a little, and his muscle strength increased. Now Oleksiy is 2 years old, and he still can't stand, walk or pronounce sounds clearly. Our support will help this wonderful boy to continue his rehabilitation and move towards his goal of overcoming the disease.

Full name: Oleksiy Melnychuk, 18.07.2022
City: Toporivtsi village, Ivano-Frankivsk region
Diagnosis: Atonic-ataxic syndrome, marked delay in mental, speech and stato-kinetic development. Congenital malformation of the brain: pachygyria of the frontal insular areas, reduction of the lower parts of the cerebellar vermis, asymmetry of the hippocampus (according to brain MRI data from 07/31/2023)
ID: 9483
Charity donation
24.08.2024 15:25
3909.85 UAH
Charity donation
22.08.2024 17:44
1500.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.08.2024 17:50
500.00 UAH
Максим Де
12.08.2024 23:50
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.08.2024 22:23
300.00 UAH
All donors

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