Surgery for Myron from Kherson region
Surgery for Myron from Kherson region

Surgery for Myron from Kherson region

The project is carried by
Started: 05.06.2023
Kherson region
Totally raised
181413.0 UAH
Total goal
181413.00 UAH

Little Myron was born in Lviv. His mother came there to give birth to her first child, seeking refuge from the occupied Kherson region. Unfortunately, the little boy has a congenital skull bone malformation called trigonocephaly. This means that the frontal bones fuse prematurely, forming a triangular shape.

Currently, Myron is a very positive and well-developed child. You may wonder why surgery is necessary if everything seems fine. The surgery is needed to ensure that the boy can live a normal and healthy life in the future. Without the necessary treatment, he may experience problems with his central nervous system, leading to developmental delays and even the inability to walk.

In order for Myron to be well, he requires surgery to have special plates installed. Unfortunately, the cost of these plates exceeds 180,000 hryvnias, and his family does not have the means to afford them. His mother is on maternity leave, and his father is a military serviceman.

The name Myron embodies peace, which all of us greatly need now. Together, we can help little Myron recover and look forward to his return to his native Kherson Oblast!

Full name: Myron Popsui, 11.12.2022
City: Nova Maiachka, Kherson Oblast
Diagnosis: Trigonocephaly
ID: 8800
Charity donation
06.07.2023 22:16
3981.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2023 21:33
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2023 18:51
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.07.2023 22:59
7000.00 UAH
Olha Rekhlitska
05.07.2023 21:54
500.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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