Support Bogdana in the treatment of blood cancer! 2
Support Bogdana in the treatment of blood cancer! 2

Support Bogdana in the treatment of blood cancer! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 09.08.2017
Poltava region
Totally raised
12870.0 UAH
Total goal
12870.00 UAH

A charming girl named Bogdana is already familiar to UBB donors. Thanks to the support of not indifferent people, she received the necessary medicament Revolad for treatment. Bogdany's parents are grateful to the UBB donors for their help! And now the girl needs of our support again!

Bogdana has a complex form of leukemia. And it all began quite simply - last summer the girl had a cold and a cold, and a month later – a strong cough. One and a half month treatment did not yield any results. In a detailed blood test, blast cells were found, and Bogdana was sent to the regional hospital in Poltava, and then to Kiev to Okhmatdet. Behind are the 5 courses of intensive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. The father of the girl became a donor for her.

Now Bogdana is on treatment at in National Children's Specialized Hospital Ohmadet in the department of BMT (bone marrow transplantation). To effectively work the bone marrow to the girl is prescribed medicament Revolad. We open the fundraiser for 1 pack of this medicament, the cost of which is 12,870 UAH. This amount is too big for Bogdany's parents. At the family, the father and an older brother are working, but this money, unfortunately, is not enough. The mother is in the hospital with o her daughter. Now the family needs support and help more than ever!

Bogdana plans to work as a hematologist and save people's lives. But for this, she must overcome the insidious disease and become healthy! Please, support this girl!

Earlier on the UBB we already collected money for the treatment of Bogdan. To see the previous project you can follow the link.


Name: Saienko Bogdana, 30.09.2002

City: Kremenchug, Poltava region

Diagnosis: acute myeloid leukemia, M1-FAB (FLT3-ITD)



ID: 3265
Charity donation
23.08.2017 16:02
1469.80 UAH
Charity donation
23.08.2017 12:22
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.08.2017 11:12
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
23.08.2017 09:46
50.92 UAH
23.08.2017 08:36
203.67 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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