Give the elderly a holiday
Give the elderly a holiday

Give the elderly a holiday

The project is carried by
Started: 04.12.2024
Totally raised
17758.8 UAH
Total goal
17758.80 UAH

The project was launched on 04 December 2024. Thanks to charitable contributions, the amount of UAH 17,758.80 was raised on the platform of the Ukrainian Charity Exchange. Due to the deadlines approaching the New Year and the need to congratulate the elderly in a timely manner, we stopped the collection on the platform for organising congratulations for our wards and reduced the amount from UAH 25,000.00 to UAH 17,758.80 actually collected.
The remaining UAH 7,241.20 for this project was raised on the foundation's social media pages.

The organiser of the event ‘Give a Holiday to the Elderly’, commissioned by the CO ICF ‘Everyone Can’, was the sole proprietor Volsky E.O., who provided his services under a contract. The sole proprietor prepared gift packages and delivered them to 20 IDP pensioners. Also, each elderly person received gift certificates for the amount of UAH 1000 for the purchase of goodies in the Silpo chain under the Christmas tree. 
‘Everyone Can’ expresses its sincere gratitude to the website and all the kind hearts who joined our project, those with whose help we managed to create a real holiday for elderly citizens who, by the will of fate, found themselves in a foreign city without protection and support! 


Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Gifts for the elderly 17758.80
Total project costs 17758.80
Remnant 0.00
Total 17758.80
Charity donation
24.12.2024 17:53
8320.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2024 17:41
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2024 14:40
4000.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.12.2024 07:06
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.12.2024 14:21
50.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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