Let's give Yaroslavа a smile!
Let's give Yaroslavа a smile!

Let's give Yaroslavа a smile!

The project is carried by
Started: 29.11.2016
Totally raised
83410.36 UAH
Total goal
83410.36 UAH

Yaroslava was a beautiful girl with long light brown hair and large brown eyes. She would become a model, singer or actress. If it were not for the consequences of heavy inflammation... Already 3 this young girl can not look at itself in a mirror, can not smile, every eating for her is an ordeal. A girl does not have a lower jaw and teeth. She avoids intermingling with people and tries to hide scars on face under long hair. An unique implant from titan will allow to Yaroslava Osipenko to return beauty and normal life.

Yaroslava Osipenko is only 25. She was born and grew in Kyiv. She never saw a father, a mother had been by narcodependent and born a girl in a state of "breaking". Passed lives of Yaroslava in a continuous nightmare, an only adequate family member was a grandmother that was a lying invalid. When Yaroslava was 10 years, a grandmother died, and through half-year a girl found the mother with the cut veins in a bathroom. Farther there was child's house, and later a grandmother friend became a guardian of Yaroslava. A girl could not manage with emptiness in the soul and in 13 began to do drug. For 5 years osteomyelitis of lower jaw began for her, and yet for 2 years a bone simply decayed, and her bits and pieces were deleted during a difficult operation. Than girl decided to sell the apartment and do away with herself.

Fortunately, from this step Yasia was saved by an unfamiliar man that supported a girl and helped to arrange on treatment in a rehabilitation center. Finally Yaroslava found in itself forces to get rid from dependence and change the life. A girl passed treatment, rehabilitation and now she works as a volunteer in a the same rehabilitation center, writes poems and songs, dreams to enter institute. She wants to study on a psychologist, help people, that got lost in this life, not able to resist to temptations, the same as at one time she. Yaroslava wants to prove - an exit is, it can overcome dependence and find sense in life. And the greatest desire of Yasia - to create valuable family that she never don't have.

She appealed on a project "I feel shy my body" with a request to recover a jaw. After a review the best maxillufacial surgeons of Ukraine drew conclusion: a case is difficult and unique. But there is a chance. For this purpose it is needed to create titanic prosthetic appliance and conduct a operation on his setting.

The Ukrainian doctors are ready to do an operation free of charge. But an unique implant needs to be made on an order, and he costs UAH 757 900. It is a very large sum, but we believe that together we will help Yaroslava to begin new valuable life!


Name: Osipenko Yaroslava Igorevna, 16.05.1991

City: Kyiv

Diagnosis: deformation of the lower third of the face, a complete loss of the dentition after toxic osteomielita lower jaw

ID: 2681
Charity donation
21.05.2017 18:35
100.00 UAH
Stas Z
16.05.2017 23:04
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.05.2017 09:33
137.75 UAH
Charity donation
15.05.2017 15:08
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.05.2017 12:03
509.81 UAH
All donors

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