Breath of living
Breath of living

Breath of living

The project is carried by
Started: 17.05.2012
Totally raised
187926.0 UAH
Total goal
187926.00 UAH

Few people in Kiev don’t know about the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology (IPOG). Many residents of the capital were either born, or gave birth to their children and grandchildren. Specialists of the institute take the most complicated cases of pregnancy and within 83 years of existence IPOG has saved thousands of children's lives and the lives of their mothers. But few people know how difficult are the conditions the doctors work in and what "ancient" equipment they have to use. The Institute is in need of ventilator for newborn and premature babies!

Institute is the main research institution in the country in the field of maternal and child health. The clinic provides care to pregnant with abnormalities, infertility, carry out complex children operations with anomalies and congenital heart disease. And this is only a small fraction of the institute activity: it employs 53 doctors of sciences, academics, correspondent member of National Academy of medical science of Ukraine and 30 professors are among them.
However, the huge potential of this establishment today is forced to "work" half-heartedly. Because it there’s no appropriate equipment to work on... For example, in one of the most important departments - intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care the ventilator produced in 1986 (!) is still being used. And thirty-years technique can get out of order at any time. And it affects human life. More than 12 years, this medical department has not been financed at the expense of budget funds. And this year in January an artificial respirator (ventilator) had to be rented and has not yet been paid - there is also no money for this. 13-year-old ultrasound machine has only one sensor, which is tied with a bandage, as one of its blocks pop out of it. All more or less normal equipment is being used permanently.

The most important and urgent issue now is to purchase a new «BEARCUB 750 psv» ventilator for newborn and premature babies. There is no possibility at the time being to raise money from a philanthropist so we ask everybody to help. Children in this department are often the ones whose chances for surviving are minimal. Transferring money to a project you are not only saving the children's lives. You get rid of suffering and pain of parents who may have a last chance to have a baby.

ID: 367
Charity donation
26.09.2013 12:22
4650.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2013 12:14
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2013 08:54
20.00 UAH
Ярослав Кошманенко
26.09.2013 08:31
151.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2013 07:45
10.00 UAH
All donors

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