Overcome Dasha's pain
Overcome Dasha's pain

Overcome Dasha's pain

The project is carried by
Started: 19.09.2023
Totally raised
204222.0 UAH
Total goal
204222.00 UAH

Scoliosis is progressing: for Dasha Shcherbanenko, these threatening words mean that in a few months she will not be able to walk or stand, and it will be increasingly difficult to breathe. But modern medicine has wide possibilities. The operation will straighten Dasha's spine and allow her heart, lungs, and digestive system, which are now unnaturally compressed, to function normally. The cost of the Socore implant system, which is required for the operation, is UAH 183,800.

Until the age of six, Dasha was no different from her peers. But then the spine began to curve. For the first time, the parents found out about the daughter’s scoliosis after a medical examination in kindergarten.

Orthopedic traumatologist from the Kharkiv Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology confirmed: scoliosis. The Institute made a Chenault corset for Dasha, which must be worn 23 hours a day. Twice a year, the girl went there for correction and rehabilitation.

Daria regularly receives a course of massage and physical therapy, works with a rehabilitation specialist. The girl's motto: swimming pool and gym are necessity for hole life!

This year, Dasha entered the Pedagogical Lyceum at the Faculty of Philology and Foreign Languages, where she will study English in depth. In her free time, Daria goes to the language group "Wow English". She actively communicates with her friends, with several of whom she has remained friends since kindergarten.

Drawing pictures by numbers helps Dasha cope with stress after the rocket attacks on the city. And she is very worried at such moments about the puppies that live in the yard of her apartment building.

Recently, Dasha’s mother Hanna noticed a sharp deterioration in the condition of her daughter's musculoskeletal system. The National Hospital "OKHMATDYT" explained that the corset no longer helps, an operation is urgently needed, as there is a progressive malfunction of the internal organs. Prolonged sitting or standing causes severe pain.

The operation will take place in two stages. First, several ribs on the right will be removed, and after a week, implants will be installed that will align and support the spine in the right position. This frame will "grow" with the girl: doctors will adjust the system as necessary.

Dear friends, let's help Dasha raise funds so that she can finally get rid of the unbearable pain, straighten her back and breathe freely with the help of surgery!

Full name: Daria Shcherbanenko, 15.11.2007
City: Kropyvnytskyi
Diagnosis: idiopathic lumbothoracic scoliosis, C-shaped thoracolumbar scoliosis, Marfan syndrome
ID: 8969
Charity donation
19.10.2023 10:25
152250.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.10.2023 02:31
800.00 UAH
13.10.2023 05:47
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2023 22:16
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2023 09:59
100.00 UAH
All donors

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