Double threat to Yehor's life
Double threat to Yehor's life

Double threat to Yehor's life

The project is carried by
Started: 24.05.2024
Totally raised
71768.0 UAH
Total goal
71768.00 UAH

At four months, Yehor was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. To live, he needs to constantly take expensive medications. 

Yehor has been gaining weight poorly since birth. At three months, anemia was discovered and a blood transfusion was required. Examination for the presence of cystic fibrosis showed a high probability. Doctors from the Kharkov Medical Genetic Center finally confirmed the diagnosis.

Despite his illness, Yehor is a cheerful, purposeful boy. His dream is to visit Japan. Currently he is in 2nd grade and is studying English, but he plans to learn Japanese as well. Yehor, like all children his age, loves to ride a bike, run, and jump, but he has to stop playing because every day is planned out minute by minute and consists of an endless series of medications and inhalations.

The viscous mucus in the lungs makes the boy fight for every breath of air. Yehor is isolated as much as possible from communication with people, since for him any infection poses a mortal danger.

On February 22, 2022, he suffered clinical death when, due to an infection, the high temperature rose sharply and the child began to suffocate. Fortunately, doctors managed to save him.

Yehor's life is in danger not only because of cystic fibrosis. He endures the daily shelling of his native Kharkov very hard. Especially after a rocket exploded near the house in April 2022 and left holes in the wall instead of windows.

Yehor takes Creon with every meal; he also constantly needs Ursofalk and Okistar Hyal. Medicines should be provided to the family at the expense of the state and local budgets, but Kharkov has not yet received Creon this year; the local budget is broke for obvious reasons, so the purchase of Ursofalk was also refused.

Oksana is raising her son alone – the father limited himself to a monthly transfer of UAH 1,500. She asks us to help raise funds to provide Yegor with Creon, Ursofalk and Okistar Hial for 6 months, which will prolong her son's life.

Full name: Yehor Linkov, 02.12.2016
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis with chronic pancreatic insufficiency, chronic respiratory failure
ID: 9464
Charity donation
25.06.2024 10:17
51395.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 23:00
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2024 18:49
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2024 14:17
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 23:04
100.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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