Abandoned but strong boy
Abandoned but strong boy

Abandoned but strong boy

The project is carried by
Started: 11.11.2020
Totally raised
33000.0 UAH
Total goal
33000.00 UAH

Little Vovchik was left without a mother and without proper treatment. Mom left the baby and his brother when Vova was not even three years old. Since then, the children have been raised by their father. The younger, Vovchik, has cerebral palsy and dysplasia, his dad is trying with all his might to get the children back on their feet, but the salary is not enough to support the family and the constant treatment of the younger...

Volodya was born prematurely, at the 6th month. There were emergency births, cesarean, large blood loss, hypoxia and hemangioma. For almost half a year the boy was in the perinatal center, getting used to the new status and conditions of existence in the center (then he did not yet know what to breathe and eat by himself, so Vova was taught by the specialists of the center). Over time, the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Now Vova does not walk or sit on his own, but he really wants and tries to get up: from time to time he stretches, rests on his arms and kneels. The boy does not speak, but his deep gaze gives hope that this is about to happen. The elder brother – Zhenya, when playing with Vovchik, notices his brother's efforts in this matter. Now Volodya requires complex systematic treatment and several operations to improve his condition.

They are already waiting for Vova in a rehabilitation center, dad really wants his youngest son to start treatment, but dad's modest salary is not enough for this. The boy already lost a lot of time due to the flight of his mother; we cannot allow the lack of funds to further alienate the boy from a healthy childhood. Therefore, we call on all our friends and donors to support this wonderful boy!

Full name: Kondratenko Vladimir, 02.02.2018
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Spastic tetraparesis. Level 1 motor disorders. Syndrome of liquorodynamic disturbances.
ID: 6606
Charity donation
21.11.2020 05:04
2698.99 UAH
Charity donation
21.11.2020 01:58
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.11.2020 00:31
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
20.11.2020 22:44
94.61 UAH
Олександр Яковлєв
20.11.2020 22:39
1018.33 UAH
All donors

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