To fix the apparatus – to save lives. 3
To fix the apparatus – to save lives. 3

To fix the apparatus – to save lives. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 01.10.2018
Totally raised
29282.0 UAH
Total goal
29282.00 UAH

People suffering from chronic and acute kidney failure need help! They live thanks to the apparatus used for undergoing the outpatient hemodialysis. These devices perform similar to kidneys, so the patients can get rid of the toxins as well as the excess fluid. In Odessa, in the hemodialysis department of the City Clinical Hospital №10, four of the existing 21 units are broken. This is real trouble for eight patients! Together we can help them. At the moment, there is an urgent need to repair at least one of them.

People suffering from chronic and acute kidney failure need help! They live thanks to the apparatus used for undergoing the outpatient hemodialysis. These devices perform similar to kidneys, so the patients can get rid of the toxins as well as the excess fluid. In Odessa, in the hemodialysis department of the City Clinical Hospital №10, four of the existing 21 units are broken. This is real trouble for eight patients! Together we can help them. At the moment, there is an urgent need to repair at least one of them.

Hemodialysis is a procedure of purifying the blood. During this procedure, a body can get rid of the excess fluid and toxins. Each of the patients goes for this procedure three times a week for 4-5 hours while the special system takes their blood away, passes it through the device, clearing it and returning it back to this patient after. During this procedure, a body is a subject to considerable testing and many patients often experience discomfort, pain as well as other side effects. Life becomes a pain, but hemodialysis is the only way for such people to live. They all are completely dependent on the apparatus.

In Odessa, the Department of Outpatient Hemodialysis at the City Clinical Hospital №10 has been open since 2004. Every day, doctors and nurses struggle to extend the lives of their patients. Altogether, this medical center has 21 working units of Fresenius 5 and 90 patients. The apparatus keeps on breaking from time to time. In such circumstances, the department uses the old modification – the Fresenius 4 apparatus, which has not yet been decommissioned. Using these old devices, the patients undergo for the procedure in a much more painful way having a lot of side effects.

Today, there were four Fresenius 5 machines broken in the unit. They used to support the lives of eight patients. Nowadays these people are forced to use the old apparatus, experiencing pain and discomfort. We have an engineer's conclusion and a list of all the necessary spare parts needed to fix one machine for the time being and to help the sick ones. At UBB, we collect money for the repair of 1 such apparatus.

We appeal to you, Donors, for help to the patients of the hemodialysis center. It is expensive to repair the needed medical equipment, but it is quite capable as well as it is being done by not indifferent people. It is in your power to help these people, helping us to acquire the necessary spare parts for hemodialysis machines.

Earlier at UBB, we have already raised funds for the repair of such equipment. To see the previous projects you can by the link.

ID: 4485
Artem Novyk
11.07.2019 11:33
6077.55 UAH
Игорь Просто
11.07.2019 10:34
339.10 UAH
Charity donation
11.07.2019 06:47
310.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.07.2019 17:17
938.04 UAH
Charity donation
04.07.2019 23:53
5.09 UAH
All donors

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