Half of the world of childhood
Half of the world of childhood

Half of the world of childhood

The project is carried by
Started: 19.05.2021
Totally raised
28000.0 UAH
Total goal
28000.00 UAH

"We have half of the world. Half of Artem's body seems healthy, while the other half is weak and not fully developed", writes the mother of little Artem. The boy has cerebral palsy and left-sided hemiparesis, the entire left part of his body is spasmodic, so it is beveled to the right.

Artem's left handle is smaller than his right, mom always rolls up her sleeve so that she doesn't hide. The left leg is shorter than the right one, so Artem is limping, has a knee recursion, curvature of the spine and problems with shoes. Even the left side of the tongue is spasmodic in the boy, so his speech is unclear.

It all started with childbirth: it was not easy, at first they rescued my mother, who had serious problems with blood pressure. Only 10 days later, the woman was able to see her newborn son, they were discharged home. However, at the age of 9 months, Artem began to roll over, to sit on his own. And at the age of 1.5 years, during a consultation with a doctor, my mother was stunned: her son had cerebral palsy and hemiparesis.

Now Artem walks, tries to run, although he often falls, and it is better to pronounce the words. But he still needs to learn how to use his hand, get acquainted with fine motor skills and try to put his foot on the heel. However, something happened that the boy's parents were most afraid of: without the necessary proper rehabilitation, every month his left arm and leg does not develop and is shortened, and walking distorts his back more and more.

Artem now, more than ever, needs rehabilitation, but the boy's relatives do not have enough funds to carry it out. Time goes by, but you can't waste it! Help Artem find the second half of the childhood world and be healthy in it!


Full name: Pavliuk Artemii, 20.10.2015
City: Lutsk
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic left hemiparesis syndrome, in the stage of independent gait, in the phase of independent getting up. Level II motor disorders
ID: 7126
Charity donation
26.06.2021 01:23
982.15 UAH
Charity donation
25.06.2021 23:59
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
25.06.2021 21:42
509.16 UAH
Максим Грiнченко
25.06.2021 16:57
96.76 UAH
Charity donation
25.06.2021 16:09
203.92 UAH
All donors

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