A full life for Mykola
A full life for Mykola

A full life for Mykola

Started: 15.07.2024
Kyiv region
Still needed
103115.00 UAH
Total goal
107100.00 UAH

Mykola is an ordinary boy who goes to an ordinary school, but his life is different from the lives of his peers. The fact is that Mykola was born with hearing impairment. The child has a lesion of the sound-receiving apparatus - deafness of the 1st degree. Despite this, he always tried to be an active participant in school life. He is especially fond of basketball - this sport brings him not only joy, but also helps him communicate with friends.

Unfortunately, due to hearing problems, it is difficult for Mykola to fully develop his potential both in studies and in sports. His ability to perceive information is limited, which makes it difficult to communicate with teachers and classmates. Even on the basketball court, where it is important to hear the coach and teammates, Mykola faces difficulties.

The only way to provide him with a full life is with high-quality hearing aids. They are necessary for continuous wearing, because this is the only way Mykola will be able to develop, learn and communicate normally. Today's hearing aids can greatly improve the quality of life of hearing-impaired children, but their cost is often prohibitive for many families, especially immigrant families.

Mykola dreams of one day being able to hear every word of his favorite coach and every line of his classmates. He wants to be an active participant in school discussions, write tests without fear, not miss important information and continue to play basketball on an equal footing with other children.

Your donations can help make this dream a reality. Let's together give Mykola a chance for a fulfilling childhood, full of sounds, joy and new opportunities. Your support can change his life forever.

Support us in this important mission and help Mykola hear this beautiful world!

Full name: Yesikov Mykola, 07.09.2011
City: Irpin, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: bilateral chronic sensorineural hearing loss of 1 degree
ID: 9569

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
20.07.2024 21:23
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2024 14:09
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2024 06:48
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2024 02:15
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.07.2024 17:29
180.00 UAH
All donors
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