Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3
Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3

Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 07.10.2022
Totally raised
51326.0 UAH
Total goal
51326.00 UAH

«Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3» is a joint project of "CF "Aspern" and the International Charity Foundation «Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace» which was launched to provide 12 people temporarily living in our mini shelter in Kyiv with food aid, psychological and social support. Our project includes the purchase of the necessary food, medicines, hygiene products and the payment of a psychologist, a social worker, a driver and a special education teacher, who carried out correctional work with children from families living in a mini-shelter (examination of the characteristics of the child’s development, development mental processes (perception, memory, attention, imagination, thinking), development of communication and speech skills, counseling of parents), as well as payment of utility services.

Thanks to the project «Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3», we bought the necessary food, hygiene products, medicines to provide everything necessary for 12 people who lost their homes during the war and temporarily live in our mini-shelter in the city of Kyiv, and also paid for the work of a social worker in March, a driver in the first half of March, a psychologist and a special education teacher (at the expense of administrative costs) in the second half of March. Delivery of food kits for the Shelter is closed, the products are being used by residents.

The Charity Foundation "Aspern" expresses its respect and gratitude to the team of «Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace» for the impeccable work and the opportunity to collect funds in order to provide our wards with everything necessary to help families cope with what they have experienced.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Paying employees 34260.00
Communal services 10405.57
Food, hygiene products and medicines 6660.43
Total project costs 51326.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 51326.00
Project documentation
Charity donation
02.03.2023 15:21
20718.58 UAH
Charity donation
01.03.2023 22:40
2227.30 UAH
Charity donation
01.03.2023 19:11
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.02.2023 22:23
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.02.2023 18:22
108.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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