Rehabilitation for the Cyborgs
Rehabilitation for the Cyborgs

Rehabilitation for the Cyborgs

The project is carried by
Started: 14.03.2024
Lviv region
Totally raised
24103.0 UAH
Total goal
24103.00 UAH

In a difficult time for Ukraine, many of its defenders receive injuries of varying severity as a result of hostilities. Of course, military personnel are provided with qualified first medical aid in hospitals and other specialized medical facilities. But, to fully restore their functions and to be able to fully work and live in society, they need long-term rehabilitation.

Recovery of defenders after severe injuries (amputations, spinal cord damage) takes a long time. This period can last from 1 to 6 months, and sometimes longer.

"Today, fighters are suffering from such severe injuries that have never been encountered before. These are, for example, amputation of three limbs or loss of vision and loss of limbs. These people need new methods of rehabilitation and recovery", ambassador of the Citizen Charity Foundation, the President's Commissioner for Rehabilitation of Combatants Vadym Svyridenko.

The Citizen Charity Foundation joins its efforts with the Western Rehabilitation and Sports Center to provide assistance to defenders who need long-term rehabilitation with the goal of returning them to an independent active life.

Applying an individual approach to each victim, which is a key method of the rehabilitation process at the Western Center, high recovery results are achieved. Even people with the consequences of serious injuries, such as brain injuries, spinal injuries, become self-reliant and independent. And those who have shown special perseverance and abilities are later involved in sports for people with disabilities.

The average course of rehabilitation in the Western Center is 30 days and costs UAH 90,000. On the platform, we are raising funds for the rehabilitation of three people. As part of the rehabilitation course, 3 defenders will improve mobility, manage pain syndromes, master wheelchair mobility and improve self-care skills.

So support this charity project! Together, we are able to help those who gave the most valuable thing for our freedom – their health. Our support is extremely necessary for them.

Strength is in the unity of many!

ID: 9347
Charity donation
19.05.2024 16:42
50.00 UAH
19.05.2024 11:14
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2024 09:37
3500.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.05.2024 11:16
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.05.2024 10:25
10.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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