Wake up the sleeping beauty
Wake up the sleeping beauty

Wake up the sleeping beauty

The project is carried by
Started: 06.02.2015
Chernigiv region
Totally raised
28484.0 UAH
Total goal
28484.00 UAH

The whole department knows Yana from childhood. The girl’s mother works at the Institute of Neurosurgery and now by evil twist of fate her own daughter became a patient of this department. Sometimes Yana came there to "help" her mother, she played with patients and "learned" from the doctors. But now she needs help. The girl’s disease is caused by a virus. The symptoms appear all of a sudden and last for several days. At first Yana gets melancholic, but then she falls into unconsciousness, into a state like coma. In this state, she has convulsions.

When the next attack will happen, what is the catalyst, no one can say. The tests detect only the presence of a virus. And only a knockout dose of antiviral medication and hormones can put the girl on her feet.

Now the patient has to undergo a cycle of antiviral treatment. But her mother who is an ordinary nurse cannot buy the necessary medicines. Every week the girl must receive a drug infusion that costs only a little less than her mother’s monthly salary is. And such a treatment will last six months… It reminds of a fairy tale in which the evil witch cast a spell on the little beauty making her fall into a deep strange sleep. With your help, we shall find a recipe for awakening the sleeping beauty.


Name: Yana O. Nosova, born 13/07/1997

Location: Chernigiv region

Diagnosis: encephalomyelopolyradiculoneuritis with lesions of the brain-stem and diencephalon. Symptomatic epilepsy

ID: 1319
Charity donation
24.03.2015 01:00
607.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.03.2015 23:28
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.03.2015 23:15
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.03.2015 22:50
200.00 UAH
23.03.2015 22:32
25.00 UAH
All donors

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