Happiness is when children aren’t ill
Happiness is when children aren’t ill

Happiness is when children aren’t ill

The project is carried by
Started: 21.02.2014
Totally raised
105508.0 UAH
Total goal
105508.00 UAH

The little boys, Nikita and Gleb Chornoknyzhni, are twins. They really want to grow up healthy and to delight their mummy’s and daddy’s eyes for a long time. To do this, they need to overcome severe illnesses – Infantile Cerebral Paralysis. Doctors advise them difficult rehabilitation, but family does not have enough money for the treatment.

I ask you, a mother of twins Nikita and Gleb 2012 years old. My sons were born before the term, at the age of 32 weeks. They made the rehabilitation of the upper respiratory tract, intubatia trachea, boys were connected to a ventilator, condition was extremely grave. The Department was diagnosed with fetal infection, pneumonia, lesion of the Central nervous system, symptoms of cerebral oppression, cardiopathy, circulatory insufficiency. When they were 7 months, we were diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

We began our endless struggle for every new movement. In 10 months finally kids began to roll over and reach for toys.

When Nikita and Gleb were 1.4 years, thanks to the first project on the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace (UBB), went to the Czech Republic to study the therapy of Professor Vojta, and have already passed 3 of the course. After the first course we got a surprising result, kids crawled on their bellies, after 2 courses of steel on all fours, and after the third - started a bit to walk on all fours.

I have high hopes of Professor Vojta therapy. We need to continue treatment in Czech Republic, but for us it is very expensive, without assistance can’t cope. In our situation, the children's health depends on money to pay for travel and necessary rehabilitation.

Please help to put the children on their feet, help to collect money for the treatment course! I so want to see them healthy and happy. Parental happiness is when children are not ill.

Name: Chernoknizhny Gleb and Nikita, 2 years

City: Donetsk

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, diplegia form of medium gravity. Delay steto-motor development. Matching strabismus OU.

ID: 867
05.05.2014 17:29
94723.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2014 11:25
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.04.2014 09:39
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2014 20:16
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.04.2014 09:13
5.00 UAH
All donors

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