What's left for Mykyta?
What's left for Mykyta?

What's left for Mykyta?

The project is carried by
Started: 25.11.2014
Sloviansk, Donetsk region
Totally raised
6450.0 UAH
Total goal
6450.00 UAH

The name of this 7-year-old boy is Mykyta. His mom loves him. Mykyta has no one except his mother. However, he doesn't have the own home in Sloviansk because the war took it. Only mother's love and charity help of people keep the boy alive. The boy was born prematurely with a weight of just only 1 (!) kilo and his heart wasn't beating. But Mykyta survived, and it was a miracle. Now he needs rehabilitation, and his single-mother has no funds for it. Don't leave them alone with their disaster!

At a time when other kids of his age go to school, Mykyta doesn't speak, holds his head with difficulties, and couldn't make a step without the support. The mother don't ask "why?", why her son was born prematurely and weighed at birth only one (!) kilo, and why his heart wasn't beating, what's the reason that her son has so many terrible diagnosis: congenital anomalies of the central nervous system, Dendi-Walker syndrome, and all kinds of delays".

The boy's mother didn't complain and didn't curse. She believes and acts – she takes her child for treatment and rehabilitation in Donetsk, Kyiv and Truskavets. After treatment in the clinic of Dr. Bersenev in Kyiv, Mykyta's condition's improving from course to course.


The funds are needed – a single mother without support of kindhearted and not indifferent to others' grief people couldn't cope with her son's diseases. Therefore, she asks to all to respond to her children's suffering, and to help her child. Let Mykyta smile!


Name: Mykyta I. Kaliberda, born 29/08/2007

Location: Sloviansk, Donetsk region

Diagnosis: microcephaly. Severe delays of psychoverbal development. Spastic tetraparesis.

ID: 1192
Jonathan Soverns
27.11.2014 04:44
5542.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.11.2014 21:49
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.11.2014 19:47
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.11.2014 18:07
13.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.11.2014 15:28
100.00 UAH
All donors

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