To hear the clatter of legs. 11
To hear the clatter of legs. 11

To hear the clatter of legs. 11

The project is carried by
Started: 03.05.2023
Kyiv region
Totally raised
35000.0 UAH
Total goal
35000.00 UAH

Nikita is only 6 years old, but he has already passed many tests on his way to get as close as possible to the real childhood that every child should have. Due to the complex diagnosis, all these years include constant rehabilitation, examinations, physical therapy, massages, concepts with speech therapists.

And on February 24, the family was forced to leave their home. It was impossible to believe that this was happening for the second time! In 2014, the family was forced to leave the city of Luhansk, but then there was no child and it was not so scary, because they did not fully understand what was happening, they simply left with the hope of returning in a week... This time they left already with a son with a disability that sense everything around him in its own way and the slightest panic and noise cause him to become hysterical.

In the morning, there was a strong explosion, the mother with the child in her arms was in the corner of the room, the windows were scattered, it seemed that the stairwells in the whole house had collapsed. Nikita curled up like a kitten, pressed hard and repeated "thunder, thunder." It was hard to believe that it was a bombing. Everything was shaking and moving slowly. The first reaction was numbness... But it was necessary to get out, the window frames, panes, and parts of the walls blocked the stairs, but they succeed to get to the car to leave the city. There was a sense of homelessness, madness – when you leave and do not understand where you will return, where your things are, you have nothing.

Nikita's was in stress, he repeated "home, home", pointing his finger back. When they stopped at the hotel, Nikita finally stretched out his arms and legs in bed with relief, and fell asleep exhausted, without even eating. There was still a long and difficult road ahead.

The boy took these events very hard, became very lethargic emotionally and physically. Stopped talking. Within a week, the entire body from the toes to the top of the head was covered in a rash. Analyzes have shown that this is the body's reaction to stress. The most vulnerable for the child was the separation from the grandmothers, they found themselves in the occupation without communication. Nervous exhaustion and the lack of rehabilitation courses had a very bad effect on Nikita's physical, emotional and mental state. He began to tire quickly, it was difficult to hold his head.

Every day, the parents make a lot of efforts to improve their son's condition, because the boy has to go to school in the fall of this year. An inclusive class, inclusive education awaits him.

That is why we are once again asking for help in raising funds for Nikita's rehabilitation. The course of treatment will improve the child's physical, mental and speech condition. And the little one will become stronger, will be able to communicate with peers, learn, he will have a future, despite everything...

Full name: Liamzin Nikita, 27.07.2016
City: Irpin, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: movement disorder syndrome in the form of flaccid tetraparesis
ID: 8734
Charity donation
19.05.2023 12:54
12047.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2023 22:53
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.05.2023 18:47
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.05.2023 17:43
550.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.05.2023 22:16
50.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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