School supplies for children affected by war
School supplies for children affected by war

School supplies for children affected by war

The project is carried by
Started: 29.06.2021
Totally raised
8936.06 UAH
Total goal
8936.06 UAH

Children are our future, our pride and joy! For almost two years now, a full-scale war has been going on in the country, and innocent children are suffering. It takes a lot of time and effort to adapt and rehabilitate children's psyches after the events they have experienced. But life goes on, and children still attend school and need stationery, as the school year lasts 10 months a year. 

Usually, such assistance from our organization is provided to children from families with difficult financial circumstances; children raised without a mother or father; children of parents with disabilities; large families, internally displaced persons and children from families whose parents were killed in the war. Already in August 2023, we held our annual Schoolbag campaign and provided more than 500 children with everything they need for school. Today, our goal is to purchase stationery for 200 children from families in difficult life circumstances for a total of UAH 60,000 and deliver the school kits in February 2024, at the beginning of the second semester.

The 2023-2024 school year is particularly challenging in the context of a full-scale war in Ukraine. However, we are confident that neither the financial situation of the family nor the war can prevent a child from gaining knowledge. Therefore, we urge all our partners and caring people to support our project and join the fundraising.

UPD: the name and text of the project have been updated. Old project names: "Schoolbag in waretime"; "Schoolbag during Covid-19".

ID: 7237
Уляна Бичишин
03.08.2024 21:25
15.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
08.07.2024 20:11
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.06.2024 18:28
100.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
20.06.2024 12:38
10.00 UAH
Уляна Бичишин
25.05.2024 02:48
10.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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