The оrphan Nazar need treatment!
The оrphan Nazar need treatment!

The оrphan Nazar need treatment!

The project is carried by
Started: 31.05.2016
Kirovograd region, Novoukrainka
Totally raised
9500.00 UAH
Total goal
9500.00 UAH

Little Nazar is five years old. You will not see a smile on his face, he’s always upset, thinking of something all the time. His mother died, and then his father left the family, unable to pass these circumstances.After that the boy stopped developing normally, he hardly speaks, became nervous. Now Nazar is brought up by his grandmother. But is she able to find money without anyone's help for treatment of her only grandson? 

Life of little Nazar is like the life of his mother, like a movie - black and white, documentary, eerie. His mom, young and beautiful, with a romantic name Lilia, gave birth to a boy at the age of nineteen. She starred in the movie; in front of her was success, career, fans... But Lilia suddenly became ill, the body was weak, and the woman could not stand the test, and gave up. After the death of the mother dad left. The kid left without parents, under the care of his grandparents.

Up to three years Nazarchik grew up and developed normally, as well as his peers. Gradually, however, his behaviour worsened, he became angry and unmanageable. Doctors put a bunch of diagnoses, prescribe different medicines – but all in vain.

In four years Nazar was put the final diagnosis – light cognitive impairment, general underdevelopment of speech. In practice, this means that the child now almost cannot speak, develops not normally. Without appropriate treatment, Nazar will not be able to develop normally, his development level will decrease and be worse than of his peers, not be able to go to school and learn. But it can be fixed, it can be cured - if having constant regular treatments.

But all this takes money, and it is increasingly difficult for grandparents to find the necessary amount after each course at the clinic. Now they are forced to ask for help all concerned - to help their grandson, who became an orphan, to recover. Let the boy's life be colourful and vivid like in the cartoons he likes more than anything else.

Let us help an orphan Nazar! Even 10-20 UAH will make this boy closer to recovery!

This project was canceled, the amount collected is 9 500 UAH. The funds were disposed of in accordance with the Rules, Principles, and Procedures of the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace (UBB) International Charitable Fund and the decisions of the Project Donors.


Name: Nazar A. Komisarov, 28.06.2010

Location: Kirovograd region, Novoukrainka

Diagnosis: general underdevelopment of speech of the first level. Motor alalia, light cognitive impairment

ID: 2285
Charity donation
03.06.2016 06:39
3300.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.06.2016 23:24
2587.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.06.2016 22:02
20.00 UAH
Олена Кудрявцева
02.06.2016 21:50
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.06.2016 21:47
100.00 UAH
All donors

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