Little orphans deserve better future-2
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Those who has ever visited an orphanage or shelter, is well known to pinching feeling of pity mixed with his own helplessness when you realize that just do not know how, what help to begin to make a reality of disadvantaged children may take a little happier, brighter that they were able to experience the unique carefree childhood, feel that they care about that and they other kids with mom and dad, someone is needed in this world.
It is clear that in addition to food, clothing and education that provides them the state, children in orphanages and shelters in need of basic human warmth, because they did not feel this happiness with their families from mom or dad, little attention to their needs, children's feelings, successes and experiences. It is terrible when a small, defenseless man lying in a cold bed every night in a huge room breech, who has to tell about the day that passed, their joys and sorrows, not with whom to consult or ask for help. We, the adults, of course, aware of this, we can do two things: to try to isolate themselves from thinking about these children, saying to myself: "What I can do one, because many of these children. Perhaps of them take care of the state or some rich people ... "or try to help, each according to their capabilities, making his small contribution to the cause of salvation from the daily, horrific loneliness and hopelessness, these abandoned, and if you look truth in the eye, no children are not needed.
We choose this path. There are still people and organizations that care about the fate of if not the most vulnerable today, our young citizens. One of these structures is the Khmelnitsky Charitable Foundation "Caritas", which for some time collaborating with Khmelnytsky Regional Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of children "Podolyanchyk" or, in other words - a haven. In this place are kids from 2 years were removed from families in crisis, where their lives and health in danger where parents abuse alcohol or drugs, where children were severely tortured daily or forced to beg in order not to starve or because of the loss of parents.One of our activities at the shelter, which is crucial for the rehabilitation and development of children who are here is to ensure employment of children in theatrical and choreographic studies conducted by experienced, highly qualified specialist, who had genuinely love children and attached to it . Do these types of art almost immediately gives the results: children frightened, indecisive, sometimes aggressive and unruly, wild animals like creatures become more open, trusting, gain confidence and learn to trust people again and the world. Treated their emotional wounds, is healing through art the person who is their authority to which they trust.
However, today there is a problem with the lack of funds to finance further studies at the shelter. Therefore appeal to all who feel a need to get involved, make a feasible contribution to the improvement of daily life deprived of destiny and love children so as not hardened our hearts, and each of us as their opportunities to help them. Each UAH, donated this case is important, because, bringing together all our even small contributions can fulfill the dream of 40 children at the shelter, rozfarbuvavshy their lives in the rainbow colors of childhood !
ID: | 2127 |
06.07.2016 08:34
384.00 UAH |
Charity donation
05.07.2016 23:36
50.00 UAH |
Charity donation
04.07.2016 23:44
20.00 UAH |
Charity donation
04.07.2016 22:24
10.00 UAH |
Charity donation
04.07.2016 11:59
300.00 UAH |
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