How many chin-ups can you do?
How many chin-ups can you do?

How many chin-ups can you do?

Started: 25.01.2013
Totally raised
980.00 UAH
Total goal
980.00 UAH

The youth in Sevastopol wants to be the healthiest and strongest! What to do with our environment and considerable prices for training in gyms? But there is a solution! Together we can help to build universal sports complex for workout – for training on outdoor gym and shells. The goal of this project is to raise money for its purchase and installation.

Young people should have the opportunity to actively and fully engaged in the physical development, because a healthy body and a healthy mind! One way to get both - outdoor fitness classes in the so-called vorkaut (workout). Vorkaut direction - this direction, based on exercises with its own weight, in which the emphasis is on the development of strength and endurance. Vorkaut workouts are on the street in conventional horizontal bar, parallel bars, known to us from childhood.

The main problem of the sports areas in Sevastopol is the lack of a fully functional sports complex, which will allow fans vorkauta invent new elements, improve old ones. Develop not only power, but also imagination, to recruit more active youth. Not that the whole city was not a single horizontal bar. simply existing playgrounds else remained from Soviet times and half destroyed or organized thoughtlessly. For example - six horizontal bars at the site, but not at the bars, sometimes to finish training athletes need to run on a different platform to the other, "the trainer."

The purpose of this project - to raise money for the installation of the complex simulators Gagarin district of Sevastopol, in the yard at Kosareva 14. It is there because the area many young new buildings, plus close to 2 schools without appropriate playgrounds. People who want to engage in a lot, and the normal site for this. There is a group of active young people who are interested in vorkautom and they are ready to recruit other children, educate them and train.

This project was canceled, the amount collected is 980 UAH. The funds were disposed of in accordance with the Rules, Principles, and Procedures of the Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace (UBB) International Charitable Fund and the decisions of the Project Donors.

ID: 542
Юрій Ткач
21.12.2013 15:51
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.12.2013 04:13
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.12.2013 12:33
200.00 UAH
Александр ДУ
28.11.2013 22:52
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.11.2013 10:37
100.00 UAH
All donors

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