A complicated Ryta’s story. 2
A complicated Ryta’s story. 2

A complicated Ryta’s story. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 03.04.2020
Totally raised
27000.0 UAH
Total goal
27000.00 UAH

The story of Margaret strikes at the heart ... On the second day after birth, the child has a rash on the hands and feet, the temperature of her little body dropped to 35, Rita stopped eating. It was further resuscitation, convulsions and stop breathing ... Shock. How could this happen with a newborn girl? Why? ..

The story of Margaret strikes at the heart ... On the second day after birth, the child has a rash on the hands and feet, the temperature of her little body dropped to 35, Rita stopped eating. It was further resuscitation, convulsions and stop breathing ... Shock. How could this happen with a newborn girl? Why?

The tests were good, showed no disruption of the body, but the girl was constantly crying. But then the doctors found the cause of this condition Rita: swelling of the brain. Over time, it flowed in leukomalacia, brain began to die. Margarita was released from the hospital only after 1.5 months, when we managed to stabilize the condition of the baby.

No one knew where to go and who to turn to for help. Hospitals, doctors, consultations and specialized centers - thus began a childhood of the girl. However, cramps constantly become a bone in the throat and made it mozliwosci Rita is constantly treated. Now, fortunately, the seizures have stopped, and this means that you can rehabilitate Rita.

The girl recently returned from the rehabilitation course in Kiev. Rita already holds a better head, says new sounds, it significantly decreased tonus "of the muscles, the girl became more sociable and interested in the surrounding world.

Treatment cannot be stopped, because all the skills will be lost. However, the family's financial situation does not allow re-send Rita to rehab. Therefore, we are again raising funds for the treatment of Rita. Support us!




Name: Pomogalova Margarit Sergeevna, 12/30/17

City: Odessa

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, mental and speech retardation

ID: 5997
Charity donation
15.04.2020 21:54
7218.99 UAH
Максим Гринченко
15.04.2020 21:41
96.76 UAH
Charity donation
15.04.2020 21:21
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
15.04.2020 20:22
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.04.2020 20:02
561.10 UAH
All donors

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