Sound of Hope Vol.2
Sound of Hope Vol.2

Sound of Hope Vol.2

The project is carried by
Started: 18.01.2016
Totally raised
42917.0 UAH
Total goal
42917.00 UAH

Second charity project of the ukrainian karaoke- restaurants network L'Kafa - Cafe #Sound_of_Hope is aimed at helping hearing impaired children. L'Kafa - Cafe network is launching an annual project of helping hearing impaired children as a part of its social program in 2016. Money from food sales as well as the funds raised during charity parties will be directed to helping children. Every month the company will purchase a hearing aid apparatus for one child!

We fully support the initiative of the company and we are grateful for the company's social responsibility, since Ukraine accounts about 186 000 of disabled children with impaired hearing. Every child has to hear to understand the world. Hearing binds us with the close ones, relatives and friends, allows us to hear the sounds of nature and music. It serves to receive information, for education, for social communication. Let us give a joy of hearing to children together!

Little children cannot explain to parents what exactly they do not hear, because they might have not heard some sounds at all in their lives before, or they might have forgotten that they heard them in the earlier age.

So happened to eight year old Sasha Sukhorukova. She does not understand that she hears badly. That is because in her world it is the way she has always heard things, that is why she perceives it as everybody else hears the same way and there are no other sounds in the surrounding world. Sasha has learned to read lips, to guess what she is told, to make her own conclusions, along with asking again...

When Alexandra was diagnosed bilateral sensorineural deafness of second level, her mother could not reconcile with the diagnosis, she thought that the doctors were wrong, that it could not happen in her family. And how can it be that she does not hear? Maybe just a little... But not at full... She has lived so long and never noticed the rustling leaves underfoot, the sounds of rain outside, door slams and everything else. She was so hurt by the fact that she, loving mother, did not see all these years that her dearest child had to adapt to the surrounding world every day to hear and understand the others.

To make a life of Sasha easier, so that she could develop, study and feel herself similar to other kids, the hearing aid apparatuses are needed. These devices normalize the level of sounds to the level of normal speech volume and allow a child to hear sounds which she never heard before. In case she does not start to wear these apparatuses on both ears there is a great chance that she will fully lose her hearing and will become totally deaf-mute...

A Center of hearing LLC "Betterton" (hearing aid apparatuses "Starkey Hearing Technologies") has joined the charity project #Sound_of_Hope and has become an "Angel" of the project, providing hearing aid to children at a special price with a discount.

Every one of you can join the project. You only have to stop by any restaurant L'Kafa Cafe and order a meal with a special mark, and of course attend the charity karaoke parties every month, sing the songs you love and help children simply by doing it.

Details on the website: 


Name: Oleksandra O. Sukhorukova, born 23.07.2007

Location: Lviv

Diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural deafness of second level

ID: 1931
26.08.2016 13:47
6960.00 UAH
Александр Александр
25.08.2016 23:07
980.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.08.2016 12:47
100.00 UAH
05.08.2016 19:03
50.00 UAH
Александр Александр
24.07.2016 23:53
780.00 UAH
All donors

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