A real miracle for Misha. 4
A real miracle for Misha. 4

A real miracle for Misha. 4

The project is carried by
Started: 10.05.2018
Totally raised
93000.0 UAH
Total goal
93000.00 UAH

Mykhailyk has cerebral palsy, he wants to move, but for this doctors advise a complex rehabilitation course. The family has already used all of its financial resources because the boy's treatment began right after the diagnosis was made. The boy has already undergone many rehabilitation courses in Ukraine, parents have experienced different treatment methods, as well as in Montenegro because there are more types of water therapy besides the methods of Vojta and Bobat.

After several courses at the Igalo Institute, Misha began to jerk his legs, with his left hand he could put his finger in his mouth. But the biggest victory – Misha can already turn over on his stomach and crawl "in a plastic way." Doctors say that the result is good, most importantly don't stop now. That is why we are opening a fee for the next course of treatment at the Igalo Institute.

"I beg you, help Misha overcome the disease! For most children, running is as easy as breathing, and Misha can only dream about it because he already understood that life is a movement, but cannot yet make it so simple for other children things – to hug his mother, to run to his dad. When I look into his eyes, I see that he understands everything, he has a huge thirst for life, most of all, like every mother, I want to see my son healthy!", writes the boy's mother.

Earlier at the UBB, we already collected funds from Misha. 


Name: Prudnikov Mykhailo, 21.12.2012

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia (level IV for GMFCS), G80.1, delay in mental and speech development

ID: 4027
04.11.2020 23:21
187.94 UAH
Charity donation
04.11.2020 22:51
203.68 UAH
Charity donation
04.11.2020 21:13
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
04.11.2020 20:44
203.92 UAH
04.11.2020 16:37
279.02 UAH
All donors

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