Denis's suffering can be alleviated
Denis's suffering can be alleviated

Denis's suffering can be alleviated

The project is carried by
Started: 04.07.2024
Still needed
24500.00 UAH
Total goal
24500.00 UAH

A severe chronic illness changed Denis' life. At the age of three, he turned from a cheerful child into a boy who was extremely tired of constant injections. The life of a child with insulin-dependent diabetes is not joyful at all. Up to 10 insulin injections and 15-20 injections to control blood sugar levels a day. And so on every day. And a strict lifestyle and diet.

His mom's life turned into hell. She constantly needs to monitor and respond quickly to her blood sugar levels. If the level is high, you need to inject insulin, if it is very low, you need to give candy so that the child does not fall into a hypoglycemic coma. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the level of sugar in children under 6 years of age who have the disease. Sharp fluctuations in sugar depend not only on food but also on many other factors that cannot be predicted. Therefore, you need to monitor your blood sugar around the clock. This control is possible thanks to round-the-clock blood glucose monitoring - sensors.

At first, his mother used to measure his sugar level only with a glucometer, but since sugars are unstable, she had to do it very often. Denys's fingers could no longer stand it. They had to look for an alternative - sensors, but unfortunately, they are expensive. A month of using these devices costs up to 5,000 hryvnias.

Denys's mother is raising him alone. She cannot work because her son needs constant supervision. There are days when the child is so desperate, he just cries and says why others can eat without injections, and he needs to take injections, and not just one, but many. And so it goes on all his life.

Denys loves to build construction sets and ride his bike. He dreams that someday a cure for type 1 diabetes will be developed, or at least there will be insulin in a different form that does not need to be injected. His suffering could be alleviated by providing him with sensors at least for a while.

Full name: Denys Marchenko, 31.08.2017
City: Chernihiv
Diagnosis: Type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes
ID: 9549
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