A holiday for everyone
A holiday for everyone

A holiday for everyone

The project is carried by
Started: 22.11.2024
Dnipro region
Totally raised
3257.00 UAH
Total goal
157500.00 UAH

The third year of childhood of young Ukrainians is spent in war. For the third Christmas, we are choosing for children the right to a holiday, joy, hope and wonder. For the third year we manage to do it: in the midst of tireless work and volunteering, we must not forget about the children who are growing up amid explosions and air strikes. Once again, CF "Pomogaem" opens a collection for New Year's gifts for 150 children with disabilities of the Dnipropetrovsk region, their brothers and sisters.

The war brought pain and grief to many Ukrainian families. Even if a family has not had to leave their home because of hostilities, any vulnerability they have is doubled because of war. Inflation eats up profits, working adults lose their jobs.

In families with a child with a disability, the breadwinner is often the only breadwinner. It is even more difficult: the only adult person is a mother who cannot work because she takes care of the child. Many parents will not be able to afford to buy their children Christmas presents this year. But is it possible to come to terms with the fact that one of the children will be left without a holiday? A Christmas fairy tale should come to every family, and we will take care of it!

We dream of congratulating you on New Year's holidays 150 of children with disabilities of the Dnipropetrovsk region, their brothers and sisters. Why do we count all the children in the family: because usually the disability of one person has a catastrophic effect on the budget of the whole family.

For those who live outside the Dnipro, we have taken into account the delivery of gifts by Nova Poshta. We will be infinitely grateful for everything.

Friends, join our gathering! Every hryvnia is important. Let's keep faith in miracles for little Ukrainians!

ID: 9815
Сім'я Качур
01.01.2025 18:42
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2024 21:56
1500.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.12.2024 21:33
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.12.2024 10:58
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.12.2024 13:49
57.00 UAH
All donors

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The project is completed.

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