A talented girl is waiting for help! 2
A talented girl is waiting for help! 2

A talented girl is waiting for help! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 07.08.2017
Kharkiv region
Totally raised
11145.0 UAH
Total goal
11145.00 UAH

The story of 12-year-old Anna Postolnik touched the hearts of many not indifferent people. Thanks for their support during the first phase of the fees, Anna received medicines for chemotherapy (Holoxane and Uroimitexane) and colony-stimulating drug Neupogen. Parents of Ani are grateful to UBB donors for their help! Now the girl needs our help again!

At the end of August last year, Anna fell off the bicycle. The wound healed, but two days later a seal appeared on this place. Parents with the child turned to the doctors, the girl underwent a number of examinations, she was sent from one hospital to another. But the results of CT scared parents: at Anna found an osteosarcoma of the right femur... And after a while in both lungs of this girl were found metastases. Anya passed 6 courses of chemotherapy in NIC, underwent surgery to remove the right femur and replacement her with an endoprosthesis.

Since May the girl is on treatment in Kharkov ODB number 1 in children's oncology, continues treatment with chemotherapy. An the path to recovery of Anna is not easy. She declared war on an insidious disease. And she must win this war!

For further treatment, the child needs medicines Adryblastin and Holoksan for a total amount of 11 145 UAH. This amount is large for a rural family with many children. Besides Anya, the parents raise two more children. Unfortunately, there is not enough money for everything. Only one father works in this family now, and the mother Antonina is with Anya in the hospital. The mother appeals for help to all indifferent people: "Help, please, in the treatment of my daughter!". Please, support this wonderful girl again!

Earlier on UBB, we already collected money for treatment of Ani. You can see the previous project following a link.


Name: Postolnik Anna, 17.05.2005

City: Artelne village, Kharkiv regin

Diagnosis: sarcoma


ID: 3250
Charity donation
15.08.2017 00:49
1496.39 UAH
Charity donation
14.08.2017 23:24
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.08.2017 23:02
20.46 UAH
Charity donation
14.08.2017 23:00
20.37 UAH
Charity donation
14.08.2017 22:12
20.37 UAH
All donors

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