Tania: be healthy and happy
Tania: be healthy and happy

Tania: be healthy and happy

The project is carried by
Started: 25.05.2021
Poltava region
Totally raised
29000.0 UAH
Total goal
29000.00 UAH

Little Tania Riznyk's mother could not get pregnant for a long time. However, a miracle happened – the woman became pregnant, and immediately twins. Anxiety, happiness, euphoria. However, the happiness did not last long: at the 25th week, the expectant mother came to the perinatal center with zero blood flow for one of the children. And on the 30th week, the irreparable happened: the death of this child is anti-natal.

The second child had to be rescued urgently. Doctors performed a cesarean section, so a girl, Tetiana, was born. The baby was immediately taken to intensive care – the girl suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Then there was intensive therapy and constant rehabilitation: massages, hippotherapy, swimming. When Tanya was one year old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and secondary microcephaly, six months later the girl underwent eye surgery due to retinopathy of premature babies.

Now Tania does not sit on her own, does not crawl, does not take toys in her hands, and constantly keeps her hands in her fists. The girl's mother does not work, because her daughter needs constant support, and the funds that Tanya's dad receives are simply not enough for the girl's constant treatment. Therefore, the Riznyk family appeals to you for help: your every hryvnia matters and can send Tania to a new rehabilitation course. And she really needs it!

Full name: Reznik Tatiana Viktorovna, 13.04.2018
City: Lokhvytsia, Poltava region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, mental retardation and speech development
ID: 7158
Charity donation
11.06.2021 09:30
0.08 UAH
Charity donation
11.06.2021 09:01
2190.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.06.2021 08:50
203.76 UAH
Charity donation
11.06.2021 02:56
152.94 UAH
Dima Tokarev
10.06.2021 23:35
10.18 UAH
All donors

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