Therapy of kindness
Therapy of kindness

Therapy of kindness

The project is carried by
Started: 30.11.2017
Totally raised
6696.0 UAH
Total goal
6696.00 UAH

The process of recovery directly depends on the patient's state of mind. It does not need to be a doctor to understand this simple truth. Hospital everyday life is not only procedures and injections. It is also an excess of time, which is necessary to occupy something. Especially hard for adolescents who suffer from lack of friends, communication, and familiar surroundings. And most of the time these children spend alone with themselves. Despondency overshadows even the strongest souls. From boredom teenagers "sit" for days on the Internet, which affects their already complex mental state. Around "bubbling" life, but here are four walls, procedures, pain and an uncertain future. There are the reasons from what can to fall into a hysterics.

At such a time it is important to fill the emerging emptiness of the teenager with something deep and full of spiritual meaning. And if outside the hospital walls this same boy will not sit still for a minute with reading, then in conditions of limited movement everything is read. Especially, if we are talking about a magazine containing beautiful illustrations, interviews and "live" texts. Peace, tranquility, and confidence are what the Internet, social networks, and games cannot provide.

We are beginning to raise funds for the subscription of the best Orthodox publications for children in hospitals. The collected funds will be used to pay 12 annual subscriptions for the journal “FOMA in Ukraine” and 12 annual subscriptions for the journal “Otrok”. In these journals, in the simple, understandable to any teenager are regarding and in a modern key, questions of good and evil, interesting human destinies and relationships, historical events and their impact on our lives are considered. In the distribution of magazines we will be helped by the volunteers of the Kiev churches of Saints Cosma and Damian at the National Cancer Institute, Arhistratig Michael in Medgorodok and St. Nicholas at the City Clinical Hospital No.6.

Volunteers are ready to send monthly magazines to hospital wards for those who are interested in them. In the pre-holiday, New Year's Day children's branches are filled with gifts. Abundance of sweets and toys. But many of the patients can not eat sweets, but cars, dolls and balls are no longer interesting for teenagers. Our Christmas project is designed for a whole year to transfer to young patients of hospitals a part of warmth that can bring peace and confidence that everything will be fine!

ID: 3599
Charity donation
19.12.2017 22:41
1258.12 UAH
Павел Одновол
19.12.2017 20:49
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2017 20:36
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2017 20:00
20.37 UAH
Eugenia Zoloto
19.12.2017 18:07
16.29 UAH
All donors

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