Therapy is a joy. 2
Therapy is a joy. 2

Therapy is a joy. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 22.01.2018
Totally raised
12000.0 UAH
Total goal
12000.00 UAH

Often in children's hospitals, we, employees of the charity fund "Caritas", every time see an impressive picture - full of the infinite amount and even despair of the eyes of small patients who are in the hospital walls themselves, without relatives. It is always stressful when a child seems to have left her forever when she is surrounded by strangers, and she has to endure various manipulations, often very unpleasant and painful, over her little body ... The reasons why the baby stays in the hospital without a mother or father, enough. One way or another, no trace for the child this experience never passes.

It does not matter how much time a child has to spend in a hospital - a few days or a couple of weeks, she is still experiencing stress. The child placed in the hospital is in extraordinary circumstances:

- small, helpless and sick, he needs help in everyday life (changing clothes, toilet, food, washing hands) should apply for it to other people and perform them order;
- without the support of loved ones suffering the consequences of medical
procedures - pain and fear;
- deprives the usual conditions of life, which is very traumatic to children;
- develops a new mode of the day – early recovery and retreat, compulsory medical procedures (reviews, tips, bandages, etc.), no walks and other restrictions and requirements.

That is why it is so important for young patients that the continuation of the new activity, called the "Art Hospital", is aimed at the psychological rehabilitation and support of children being treated at the medical institutions of Khmelnytsky, so that the time of stay in the hospital walls was less for them injurious, and positive emotions prevail over the negative. We already have a positive experience and excellent results of our half-year activities in this area. Therefore, it is extremely important today to continue such a necessary and useful activity. In addition, all medical staff indicates a positive dynamics in the treatment and faster recovery of small patients due to creative activities in hospitals with single children and requests the continuation of such activities in children's hospitals in Khmelnytsky.

Art Hospital is a voluntary creative activity of adults, aimed at socio-cultural rehabilitation of children in hospitals by methods of art therapy, fairy-tale therapy, game therapy and staging of theatrical performances. This is a symbiosis of acting and arts and crafts. This time, we decided to improve the forms of work with children, involving professionals, people with special training in this direction, so that it brought more and more benefits both for the physical and psychological state of small patients and for their spiritual development.

And in order to be able to conduct high-quality and interesting exercises with sick children in hospital conditions, we need to raise funds for the services of an art studio that will professionally and responsibly work with such a vulnerable and precious category of patients as single children in the hospital walls. Do not stay indifferent, help us do it, because none of us can be sure that tomorrow one of our familiar babies will not be in a hospital bed, and it is so important that for them this time was more positive, brighter, more kind and safer.

ID: 3723
Charity donation
16.04.2018 17:33
305.84 UAH
Charity donation
15.04.2018 22:53
20.37 UAH
15.04.2018 22:33
1018.51 UAH
Charity donation
14.04.2018 01:18
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
13.04.2018 16:57
101.83 UAH
All donors

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