Urgent surgery for little Nazar!
Urgent surgery for little Nazar!

Urgent surgery for little Nazar!

The project is carried by
Started: 16.12.2015
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
11615.0 UAH
Total goal
11615.00 UAH

Little Nazar is from an ordinary Ukrainian family thar lived a simple rural life. Suddenly everything changed when their little boy was diagnosed with a terrible disease. In a grave condition he was transported from the regional hospital to the intensive care unit of the Institute of Neurosurgery. The local doctors stabilized the boy’s condition and now he needs an urgent surgery. His parents are desperate because they have to purchase all the necessary medicines and medical consumables but they cannot do it because they have used all their money for previous treatment. So that's why the family begs for help!

Just a month ago little Nazar felt good. Nothing predicted trouble. Then abruptly the boy got weak and drowsy, his head movements were strange. The parents went to the hospital. There was a suspicion of infection but after examining the boy a brain tumor was detected. It was necessary to act urgently. The tumor was pressing on the areas of the brain responsible for breathing. The local doctors planned to install urgently a shunt system but could not do it because hemorrhages in the tumor tissues and respiratory arrest.

Little Nazar’s condition was stabilized and he was transported by the ambulance to the Institute of Neurosurgery. When he was at the Institute’s intensive care the doctors prepared him to an emergency surgery. The tumor must be removed as soon as possible. Time is his greatest enemy. The parents ask for help because they cannot cope on their own.


Name: Nazar S. Naichuk, born 15.05.2014

Location: Vinnytsia region

Diagnosis: brain tumor

ID: 1890
Charity donation
24.12.2015 10:26
1615.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2015 04:49
1565.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2015 00:33
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2015 23:38
98.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2015 23:26
50.00 UAH
All donors

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