Just don't miss my chance! 2
Just don't miss my chance! 2

Just don't miss my chance! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 27.03.2024
Totally raised
39600.0 UAH
Total goal
39600.00 UAH

The birth of little Diana was difficult. The baby survived severe asphyxiation and suffered brain damage, the consequences of which she is still struggling with.

Now Diana is 2 years old, and she has a severe developmental delay. The girl does not roll over, fixate her eyes, respond to her name, express emotions, say words, stand, or sit. There are so many "don'ts" that hinder her development and prevent her from living a happy, healthy childhood without pain. The baby also chews poorly, sleeps poorly and cries often. Diana also has seizures due to structural epilepsy. 

Fortunately, the constant treatment is paying off. After the last rehabilitation, Diana became more concentrated and interested in the world around her. Her muscles became stronger and she is more confident on her feet. "Each course of rehabilitation brings great results in the development of our daughter. Yes, there is still a lot of work ahead, but we believe in new successes and victory! Without your support, none of this would have happened," says Diana's mother and hopes for help again. Let's help the girl to go to rehabilitation and not to miss the chance for recovery!

Full name: Kornievska Diana, 10.06.2021
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Consequences of hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system. Structural epilepsy. Epileptic encephalopathy. cerebral palsy Tetraparesis Dystonic form. Motor disorders V according to GMFCS. Statokinetic and psycholinguistic development delay
ID: 9375
Charity donation
20.09.2024 13:45
900.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.09.2024 20:24
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.09.2024 15:05
268.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.09.2024 13:59
200.00 UAH
17.09.2024 13:04
100.00 UAH
All donors

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