Tymofiy wants to go
Tymofiy wants to go

Tymofiy wants to go

The project is carried by
Started: 08.01.2015
Lviv region
Totally raised
4900.0 UAH
Total goal
4900.00 UAH

Tymofiy is only 3, but he has already overpassed two difficult tests. When the boy was still in the mother's womb, his father died. Then his mother gave a premature birth and the doctors stated the diagnosis cerebral palsy. From his very birth, Tymofiy is getting to know all the doctors and the rehabilitation centers of Ukraine and the nearby countries. He already has some positive results: he can hold his head, he has developed an interest to toys, he is recognizing the relatives. He is a very positive and smiley boy. The only wish of the child is to walk on his own.

Tymofiy is a half-orphan. His father died in a car accident, so the boy never know his father. Probably it caused the boy's premature birth.Tymofiy was born on the 33rd week of pregnancy, weighing 2 300 grams in a very serious condition - not breathing on his own. For five days he was kept under an artificial lungs ventilation. From he very birth he has been receiving treatment in the regional hospital, also he has gone through several courses of rehabilitation inn the international clinic "Elite" in Lviv and Truskavets, twice he has gone to the rehabilitation to Teplice in Czech Republic, where he had received a Voito therapy and thermal springs, regularly attends a rehabilitation center "Apis-Melifika" in Khmelnytskyi. Also he is engaged in home physical therapy, swimming pool and classes with a speech therapist.

After the rehabilitation treatment course in "Apis-Melifika" center the boy is having very good results. One course of treatment costs 4 900 UAH. The course lasts for 10 days. Every day the kid receives the following procedures: massage, physical therapy, kinesitherapy, vibratory massage, paraffin baths, joint development, speech therapist, psychologist, standing frame and specialized simulators.

Tymofiy is not hopeless and gradually progresses in development. He needs constant rehabilitation, and then we will be able to get healthy and go to school like other children.

"All the treatments we've had at our cost. Unfortunately at the moment we do not have enough funds to take the child for rehabilitation, that is why we are turning for your help" – say Tymofiy's parents, - "Please, help his realize his dream – become a healthy child! We hope for your understanding and compassion!


Name: Tymofiy S. Leskiv, born 04/12/2011

Location: Lviv region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, MCHN

ID: 1250
Влад Щербанюк
08.01.2015 22:36
3800.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 22:01
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 21:31
40.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 20:13
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 19:52
100.00 UAH
All donors

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