In captivity of silence
In captivity of silence

In captivity of silence

The project is carried by
Started: 12.11.2018
Donetsk region
Totally raised
15800.0 UAH
Total goal
15800.00 UAH

Both soul and physical wounds are gradually healing. But the wound of the mother of sixteen-year-old Veronika is not healing, and the fight for life and health of her child is not stopping. Veronika was born in the city of Sloviansk in the 42nd week; she was anxious and crying all the time. She couldn’t turn around, sit, eat and walk by herself. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, movement disorders syndrome, psychomotor disturbance, delay in speech development.

Veronika’s mother has been fighting for her child’s health all the time: massage, exercises, needle therapy. She taught her to creep, to keep toys in hand and to draw. In 2003 the family applied to Bersenyev clinic where the girl is still being treated. Every day and every hour doctors from Bersenyev clinic set children who wish to live a full-pledged life back on their feet.

The treatment outcomes were bringing joy. After two courses of treatment Veronika began to sit and after the 5th course, she began to walk. However, the disease doesn’t want to completely give up: Veronika can still say no other word except for “Mum”. All this time the family has been paying for treatment from its own funds. Now Veronika’s mother is asking for help in further treatment. With such diagnosis, Veronika needs to be permanently rehabilitated. The family living in the anti-terrorist operation area is not able to deal with it alone!


Name: Dobronos Veronika, 16.02.2002

City: Sloviansk, Donetsk region

Diagnosis: organic lesion of the central nervous system, severe cognitive insufficiency, bilateral pyramidal insufficiency

ID: 4580
Charity donation
30.12.2018 08:27
1015.23 UAH
Олексій Харитонов
30.12.2018 08:14
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2018 23:33
100.00 UAH
Алексей Болдынюк
29.12.2018 22:29
469.02 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2018 20:56
10.00 UAH
All donors

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