In a world without sound–2
In a world without sound–2

In a world without sound–2

The project is carried by
Started: 18.10.2013
Totally raised
44520.0 UAH
Total goal
44520.00 UAH

Deaf children are ordinary kids. They also love to play, dance, have fun and be naughty, experiment with different objects, build, sculpt and paint. But very often they do not have someone to play with them. Parents of hearing kids do not encourage their children to communicate with the deaf, and sometimes hinder such contacts. But under certain conditions, deaf children reach a high level of development in speech and hearing. This development is greatly assisted by prosthetic hearing aid devices. Unfortunately, most cannot afford them.

Details…Victor Rodionov is a very smart boy. Not only is Victor an orphan, he has no mother, no father, and his grandmother brings up – Nadezhda, who herself is in need of support, both morally and financially. In silence he is removed from the world, separated as if he were a "rogue state." Hearing impairment, or total loss of his hearing, of course, is very sad diagnosis for the child and his family. It’s hard to accept the fact that the little man is deprived for life of the opportunity to experience such an incalculably rich and diverse world of sounds! But it is much harder to realize that his disability is building an invisible barrier between Victor and the people around him, isolating him from the world. However, this does not mean that the loneliness and isolation have to be the fate of the child's life.

An ordinary woman Victor’s grandmother Nadezhda brings her love and patience to help her grandson; she does not feel any difference between him and the other children. Thanks to her Vitya is a very responsive, attentive and energetic child. There is only one thing she cannot give him: full hearing. But you can help give donations for two hearing aids for her favorite grandson!

It is important to buy two devices, not one, so that the information in the brain is fed through both passageways. If only one device stimulates an ear, that will help in terms of legibility of sounds. However, the unstimulated ear will continue to deteriorate “in the silence” and fail completely. Therefore, if we wish to restore Viti’s perception of the world in its entirety, he needs hearing aids for both ears.

A total of 44,520 UAH can create a huge miracle and return the boy to hearing. Please give this child back something precious: his childhood full of sounds and meaning. For the quality of Victor’s life we can and must fight!

Name: Viktor Rodionov, 2002 date of birth

City: Dnepropetrovsk

Diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, III degree

ID: 749
Charity donation
18.12.2013 17:35
36035.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.12.2013 21:37
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.12.2013 11:13
50.00 UAH
12.12.2013 17:11
40.00 UAH
Елена Якушенко
12.12.2013 16:51
10.00 UAH
All donors

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