Your donation can help Sofia. 2
Your donation can help Sofia. 2

Your donation can help Sofia. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 19.09.2024
Kirovograd region
Totally raised
38500.0 UAH
Total goal
38500.00 UAH

Sofia is a shining example of strength of spirit and cheerfulness, despite the difficulties she has experienced since birth. Her journey began with severe asphyxiation during childbirth when the girl was wrapped in the umbilical cord. This led to a long 14-day resuscitation, followed by another month in the intensive care unit. Due to serious health problems, she was unable to eat on her own, so she received food through a feeding tube.

When Sofia turned one, she was diagnosed with: сerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis and other neurological disorders. Since then, a long path of treatment and rehabilitation has begun, which has lasted for four years. This process requires considerable effort and financial costs. Although Sofia is still unable to sit, roll over, walk or talk on her own, her spirit remains unbroken. She is a cheerful little girl who enjoys playing with her big brother, and this brings her great joy.

Sofia's recent achievements show progress: she has begun to hold toys better, her body spasms have decreased, and her outlook has improved. She has learned to chew solid foods and make more sounds, which is a great achievement in her development.

Sofia's family loves her very much and strives every day for the girl to be able to sit, walk and talk independently. Now Sofia has been recommended a new rehabilitation course that can significantly improve her condition, but her parents are unable to pay for it. That is why we are asking for your help. Your donation can be an important support for Sofia on her way to improving her quality of

Full name: Shugar Sofia, 17.12.2019
City: Onykiyeve village, Kirovohrad region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, persistent pronounced movement disorders against the background of brain abnormalities: hydrocephalus, hypogenesis of the corpus callosum and cysts of the transparent membrane. Structural epilepsy, polymorphic seizures
ID: 9684
Charity donation
30.12.2024 10:45
4449.04 UAH
Charity donation
27.12.2024 11:56
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.12.2024 19:08
1087.96 UAH
Charity donation
25.12.2024 17:00
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.12.2024 14:27
3000.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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