A great miracle for little Vasia. 2
A great miracle for little Vasia.  2

A great miracle for little Vasia. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 26.12.2017
Lviv region
Totally raised
6140.0 UAH
Total goal
6140.00 UAH

This is our Vasya, so sad and somehow sad adultly. Because of he, in his only four years, already had to go through a lot. The child was born with Arnold Chiari syndrome (hydrocephalus and open myelomeningocele of the lumbar part). Vasia is so small, but already he has endured 6 surgeries and 8 general anesthesia with MRI. After all, Vasily recovered hard, no one doctor guaranteed that the kid will live. But miracles happen, and one day, Vasya was lucky to be in the "Institute of Pain Problems" V.A. Bersenev.

And exactly this clinic gave the most significant results, finally happened what about Vasilka's mother had long been dreamed of! The boy, at last, began appreciably to develop mentally, even to speak single words, what had not happened before, became more active in communication. Only at one, it hurts - that when finally had been found a way, which leads to recovery, a shortage means for treatment detaches parents from the dream of seeing their little son completely healthy. The boy, at last, began appreciably to develop mentally, even to speak single words, what had not happened before, became more active in communication. Only at one, it hurts - that when finally had been found a way, which leads to recovery, a shortage means for treatment detaches parents from the dream of seeing their little son completely healthy. Because a treatment should be uninterrupted, only then we can expect the result.

Let's support this wonderful family, your help is so necessary for them!


Name: Vasyliuk Vasyl, 14.01.2013

City: Sosnivka, Lviv region

Diagnosis: progressive hydrocephalus, spinal cord hernia, motor disorders syndrome, dystonic upper limbs, flaccid paresis of lower limbs, impaired pelvic organs functions by peripheral type

ID: 3594
Charity donation
29.12.2017 16:15
5253.71 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2017 15:04
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2017 14:36
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2017 13:05
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
28.12.2017 18:45
10.18 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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